I string out his name. “Gabriel.”
He puts his arm around my shoulder and walks with me through the bar. I look over at where Roger is sitting, and he’s found some woman to keep him company, but she looks just as bored as I felt when I was sitting with him. As we get outside, I don’t even try to stop Gabe from walking me to my car because I know the argument will be pointless. “I’m around the block in the back.”
He nods. “Me too. I parked next to you.”
Of course he did.
I clench my hands together. “I know I complain about it a lot, but I hope you know I appreciate everything you do for me.”
He smiles and pulls me into his side a littletighter. “I know you do. We got each other’s back, Chrissy. Always.”
I lean my head against his side, and it’s not the first time that I’m imagining things I shouldn’t be. Like what would happen if I told him how I really feel? Would he freak out and turn me away? Or would he react the way I’ve dreamed about and tell me he feels the same way?
We stop next to my car, and he opens the door for me. “I’ll follow you home to make sure you get there okay.”
“Gabe, that’s ridiculous. It’s the opposite direction for you.”
He just laughs, and I push his stomach, pulling my hand back as soon as I feel his abs flex under my palm. He waves for me to get into the car. “Come on, Chrissy. You know there’s no talking me out of it.”
I nod, but I’m not ready to leave yet. “Ya know, I’m sorry you’re always getting landed with looking out for me. It’s not fair to you. Your friends are all inside, having a good time.”
He opens his mouth, and I’m sure he’s going to say it’s okay, but I hold my hand up to stop him. “And don’t say it’s okay or that you haven’t been landed with me when we both know it’s true. Youheard Ledger tonight. He and everyone else just assumes that you’re going to be the one to look out for me.”
He shrugs. “Because I am.”
I suck in a breath and sit down in my car. “But this isn’t the way it’s supposed to be… I’m not your responsibility. I don’t want to be someone you have to take care of.”
He squats down so he can see me in the car. “You know that’s not what I meant. I want to be here, honey.”
I reach for the door to try and get him to move, but he doesn’t budge.
He just smiles at me. “Come on, you can’t be mad at me just because I want to make sure you get home.”
“I’m not mad at you. Look, it’s been a shitty night. It sucks knowing that the only date I can get is because of who my brothers are. I’m not mad at you. Follow me home, I know you’re going to.”
“Chrissy, please…”
I let out a huff. “Please, Gabe. I just want to go to bed.”
He searches my face, obviously frustrated, and I can’t blame him. I’m taking out my attitude on him,and I shouldn’t be. None of this is his fault, just like it’s not his fault that he thinks of me as a friend.
He reaches into the car and puts his hand on my bare knee. He squeezes me gently, and my whole body reacts. His thumb brushes across my skin. “Okay, but I want you to know that the doctor is a dumbass. This is his loss, baby.” When I don’t say anything, he huffs. “Okay, drive safe. Tomorrow evening me, Cole, Holden and Dom are going to play pickleball if you want to join us after work.”
“I need a good workout, but I’m working a long shift tomorrow. Thanks, though.”
He searches my face under the interior light and then nods. “Okay. See you then.”
“See you.”
He squeezes my knee again and then releases his hold on me and stands up.
He shuts the door, and I watch as he walks to his truck.
Usually I love to play pickleball with my brothers, but today I can’t seem to get my mind off of Chrissy. I know she said she is working a long shift and wouldn’t be able to be here, but that doesn’t make me miss her any less. Everything is better when Chrissy is with me. It’s like I’m calmer.