Her chin lifts a tiny bit as those soulful eyes lock onto mine, and the line of her perfect mouth lifts into a bright smile that threatens to reach even the dark corners where I live. “My name is Julieanne Marello.” Her shoulders square as she sits taller. “And I would like to work for GHOST.”





I take a deep breath, rolling the mouthful of whiskey I just tipped back across my tongue before lifting my eyes to the open doorway. I don’t bother responding, I just wait. Watching as the man standing outside my office shifts on his feet, looking half ready to bolt.

At least I still intimidate a few people in this world.

He presses his lips together before finally blurting out the reason for this interruption. “You have a call on line two.”

Of course I do. I’m surprised it took this long.

Working my jaw from side to side, I resist the urge to clench it. To react in a noticeable way. “Put it through.”

I wait, glaring at the phone as he rushes away. Daring it to ring. I know what’s coming, and it’s the icing on the shit cake my life has been baking into for the past six months.

When the phone starts to ring, I let it, waiting until the fifth trill to pick up the receiver, pressing it to my earwithout answering. If he wants to talk to me then he can talk.

“Vincent.” My contact at the Pentagon sounds just as dry and humorless as always. “I understand GHOST is no longer connected with Alaskan Security.” He cuts right to the point. Right into the wound still festering in my pride. The slice is swift and sharp. But I have to let it roll right off. Now’s not the time to forget who I am. What I’m capable of.

Even if no one else believes it.

“They became more hassle than they were worth.” It’s the truth. The owner of the company I’d been using to keep my hands—and as a result, the government’s hands—a little cleaner, decided to be a complete pain in my ass. And I couldn’t tolerate that.

Especially not afterher.

Six months ago she planted a seed which quickly grew into questions and doubt. I had to dosomething. I couldn’t just let my team think I was slipping. That I’d gone soft. I had to make a statement. Had to make an example of someone.

I chose them. And it backfired. Epically.

“Interesting. My contacts said it was Alaskan Security who chose to sever ties.” There’s a smugness in his tone. Like he thinks he’s got one up on me. And maybe he does.

But not for long. That’s not how I work.

“Alaskan Security was embarrassed because I was able to prove their capabilities were subpar.” My tone stays even and cool in spite of the anger brewing in my gut. “They’ll come back. They have to. And when they do, they’ll be better. Worth having a place in my lineup.”

Pierce, the owner of Alaskan Security, should befucking thanking me for what I did. I showed him exactly what needed fixing within his company. Did his goddamned job for him.

And this is the thanks I get.

“I would hope they come back if I were you. They provided a service we found very useful. It would be a shame if we had to reevaluate our contract with you.”

My next breath is slow. Steady. “Theywillcome back.” I say it again. Firmer this time.

I don’t need this asshole questioning me. Not when so many others already are.

“Good. Then we won’t have any problems.” The line goes dead in my ear. I sit with it a few seconds, refusing to react the way I know he wants.

It takes longer than normal for my blood to cool. When it finally does, I lower the receiver into place, gently setting it down.

I’ve built a career on knowing how to keep it together, even in the most extreme circumstances. Being nonreactive while everyone else is losing their shit. It’s what makes me the best at what I do.

Have I also been a little ruthless at times? Maybe. Do I push the boundaries of acceptability? Possibly. But I always get the job done. Anyone who says that’s not what matters most is a fucking liar. That's why I have to prove I can still get the job done. That I'm still a man no one should fuck with. Still in control of everything and everyone around me.