"Here." Heidi unscrews the cap from a tub of Aquaphor sitting on the table beside us. She dips one finger in and leans my way, carefully dabbing it across my stinging lips. "Eli says you'll probably want to keep this on your lips for a few days so they’ll heal and not just keep splitting open."
I hold still, waiting as she smooths the gloopy ointment into place. Once she's done I carefully rub my lips together, making sure it’s spread everywhere. "Thank you."
"I said, don't thank me." Heidi shoots me another scowl as she screws the lid back on and slams the tub onto the table. Her frustration is clear, and I would likely be feeling the same way if the tables were reversed. But they're not, so she's just gonna have to fucking deal with me being grateful.
I gingerly reach up to feel around the swollen skin of my face, trying to get a gauge on just how hideous I look. "Howwereyou able to figure out where I was?"
"We were able to catch a partial plate on one of the public transportation cameras.” She fiddles with the blanket covering me, tucking it around my body. “We narrowed our search down to only plates assigned to rental companies since we were still pretty confident the people behind this were from Nashville."
"They were from Nashville all right." I close my eyes, feeling fucking stupid as shit. "I actually went on a date with the guy heading it up." At least I was smart enough to know he was a twat. A twat who thought he was charming enough I’d roll right into bed with him and he’d be able to get his hands on my computers while I slept. I'm not sure which part of that plan is the most hilarious, but I thinkit's the part where he thought he was smart enough to access my systems. I’m pretty sure the guy wouldn’t even make it past the encrypted code that unlocks my screens.
Heidi shrugs at my admission. "We've all dated some total fucking losers. Don't beat yourself up over it.” Her eyes widen on my bruised face as her mouth stretches into a cringe. “Sorry.”
I wave her apology off. “It’s fine. I would have laughed but moving my face too much hurts like hell.” I shift, sucking in a breath as everything starts to throb. “Actually moving anything too much hurts like hell.”
“I bet.” Heidi reaches out to lift a little of my hair, squinting at the side of my head. "They got you mostly cleaned up, but that goose egg still looks fucking awful."
Thanks to the Aquaphor smeared over the lower half of my face, I manage to curve my lips without causing an immense amount of pain. "Well it feels fucking awful, so that makes sense."
Heidi covers my hand with hers. "I promise we’re working to figure out how this happened and who all’s behind it."
My stomach sinks. "I thought Vincent killed everyone who was behind it. It's all over, right?"
Heidi shakes her head. "He wiped out everyone from the group Amos was involved with, but we still don't know who’s behind that program or how many people they sold it to." Her nostrils flare. "And that’s an extra big problem since the program doesn't even fucking work. Whoever they sold it to is going to be pissed as fuck when all the data they thought they scrubbed pops right back up."
I swallow hard. I really thought I'd be able to protect Holden by refusing to tell Amos and Clark what theywanted to know, but now I'm not so sure. Heidi’s right. If he sold that program to anyone else, he’s in danger.
And so am I. If Clark came to the conclusion I was responsible, there’s a good chance someone else will too.
Managing a weak smile, I nod my head. "I’m sure we’ll figure out who’s behind it."
Heidi’s eyes move over my busted-up face a second longer before she stands, blowing out a breath. "I guess I should go get Vincent so he doesn't throw a temper tantrum and accuse me of not telling him the second you woke up."
I can only imagine how he’s feeling. I’m actually shocked he’s not here. Something big must have come up to pull him from my side. "Since I’m here, does that mean things are okay between him and Pierce again?"
I know Vincent can have asshole tendencies, and I can't blame Pierce for being pissed over what he did, but Vincent needs people in his corner. People he can trust. People he can count on.
Heidi tips her head from side to side. "I wouldn't say things are fixed, but I think there's a little more understanding between them." She flashes me a grin. "I don't think they’re ever gonna braid each other's hair and sing Kumbaya, but they'll work together again." Her eyes suddenly widen, spine stiffening as heavy footsteps come down the hall, hitting the floor at a quick pace.
I close my eyes, looking as relaxed as I can manage. "Oh my goodness. I feel like I'm just waking up."
Heidi huffs out a little laugh. "I fucking love you." She gives my hand another squeeze. "You and Vincent are good for each other. I better be invited to the wedding." She releases me and I hear her move away. Her voice is overlybright as she greets the new arrival. "Vincent. I was just coming to get you. I think she's waking up."
I pull in a long breath, lifting my lids to find the man of my dreams—and some people's nightmares—coming my way. He practically shoves Heidi to one side, taking her place as he drops down to a crouch, bringing our eyes level. "You’re awake.” His expression hardens and I know it’s because he’s mad he wasn’t here. “How are you feeling?”
The concern in his voice makes my chest squeeze because I know how close he came to losing me. How close I came to being the second woman to break his heart. And I can’t handle it.
“I’m sorry.” The quiver of my chin makes the words wobbly. “I wanted them to let me go but I couldn’t give them what they were asking for.”
“Shhh.” Vincent’s voice is low and soft. “I know you couldn’t.”
Does he? Somehow I doubt he realizes exactly why I stayed silent. It doesn’t seem like Heidi suspects my son, so it’s likely Vincent doesn’t either. And I need to tell him. I need him to get Holden and bring him here so we can keep him safe while we figure all this out.
My eyes dart to where Heidi is sliding from the room. She gives me a little wave before disappearing, leaving us alone.
I swallow hard, worried he’s not going to take this well. He might blame Holden. Hold this against him. Refuse to bring him to me. “I need to tell you something.”
Vincent’s eyes roam my face. “Tell me.”