But it is.

I was barely tolerated for so long. Unappreciated. Undervalued. Unloved. My ex-husband treated everyone better than he treated me. And apparently, twenty years of being fed shit changes your palate, because I have never felt more wanted in my life. Needed. Appreciated. Desired. Would this be a red flag for most people? Probably. Rightfully so.

But Vincent’s unyielding desire to have me here with him feeds a hungry part of my soul I thought had withered away after being starved for so long.

"If I didn't like living on the edge I never would have hacked into GHOST’s system." I fight the urge to back up. It's reflexive, but I know Vincent wouldnever hurt me. He loves to dish out threats and give warnings, but when it comes to me, every bit of it’s hot air.

Because when it comes to me, his version of punishment involves absolutely no suffering, and I am one hundred percent here for it. Which is why I take a quick breath before finishing for him. "One."

It’s the second time I’ve finished a countdown. The second time I've called his bluff. The last time I did it, I ended up with a very angry, very aroused Vincent fucking me against the wall. And I can't wait to see what I get this time.

Vincent shakes his head, one hand going down to stroke the length of his studded cock. "You are not a good listener, Angel Face." His free hand swings, catching my nipple in another slap. The sharp connection sends a flash of pleasurable pain cutting through me like lightning. The sound that comes out of me is somewhere between a whimper and a moan, and my pussy clenches.

I’ve had an extremely boring sex life, but I know the variety that exists. I hoped I'd be able to experience just a little of it at some point. It seems Vincent can offer more than just a little of what I've been seeking.

The hand that swatted my nipple comes up to grab my jaw, fingers pinching my cheeks as he tips my head to the side and leans into my ear. "Remember, whatever happens next is your doing, Jules. You could have done as I asked, but you chose not to."

Oh boy.

Vincent releases my face and his hands go to the waistband of my jeans, quickly undoing the button and zipper before dragging them and the panties underneath all the way to the floor. He tosses them away,so I'm standing in front of him completely bare. He slowly eases closer, and I can't help but hope for a repeat performance of what happened at the airport. But instead of leaning in to lick me, he comes to his full height, expression hard as he looks down at me. "Feet apart, Jules."

I hesitate for a second, considering being difficult just a little longer, but decide against it. I want his hands on me too much, and I don't want to risk him making good on the threat of not letting me come for a week. So, I do as he says and widen my stance.

Vincent moves closer, his big body looming over mine. "Wider."

I work my feet a little farther apart, but as someone who has slacked on their lunges and squats, I'm not sure how much farther I can go without dropping to the floor.

Vincent hums his approval. "Good girl."

I'm basking in his validation and praise when his palm connects sharply with my pussy, the stinging sensation hitting right against my clit. At first I think it hurt, but then realize it was just startling, and actually made the throb between my legs so much worse.

Vincent leans closer, the hard length of his body pressed against my side. One hand laces into my hair, working it free of the band I tied it in while I was moving my shit around the garage. When it falls loose to my shoulders his lips brush against my ear as his fingers slide through the strands. "That's better. I need something to hold on to while I fuck you."

My belly clenches even though I already knew fucking was where this was leading. The hand in my hair pulls tight as he slaps my pussy again, this time making me moan like the shameless woman I am.

"Is that why you do this to me, Jules? Why do you refuse to back down?" Another pussy tingling slap. "Because you know the more difficult you are the more worked up I get and the harder I'll fuck you?"

I'm getting lightheaded from the need pooling between my legs and it makes me a little less thoughtful with my answer. "Something like that."

"Something like that." Vincent's voice is deep and rough in my ear as his hand comes back to my pussy, fingers slicking between my folds as they slide along my slit, coasting right over my clit to spear into my body. He works them in and out of me, movements fast and hard as the heel of his palm grinds against my clit. It's not long before I'm on the edge of a climax. I'm rushing toward it when his hand is suddenly gone, the lack of contact hitting me like a bucket of ice water and leaving me gasping.

Vincent chuckles low. "You didn't think this was going to be easy, did you?" His eyes come to my face. "I warned you, Jules, remember?" He grips my hips roughly, turning me to face the bed before smacking me on the ass hard enough I'm sure it leaves a print. And fuck me if I don't like that too. The scattering of hair on his chest brushes my back as he leans into my ear and growls, "On the bed.”

This time, I'm desperate enough to come that I scramble onto the mattress, but as I try to roll to my back he grips my thighs, keeping me in place as he crawls up behind me. "Face down, Jules." One hand slides over the curve of my ass and up my spine to press between my shoulder blades, pinning my upper half to the blankets.

My head’s turned to the side, leaving me staring at the array of items he dumped out of my favorite drawer. I should probably be embarrassed at all the items I have, butI'm not. If anything, I'm a little excited to see what part they might play in this.

Everything Vincent does is for a reason, even if he doesn't admit it. And I know he didn't just dump these here for fun.

I'm barely catching my breath when Vincent’s hands grip my ass cheeks, spreading me wide. From this position he can see everything. Eve-ry-thing. And he is definitely looking.

I can practically feel his gaze as it moves over my throbbing pussy. When he leans down, my eyes roll back in anticipation, ready to feel his tongue against me. And I do, just not where I expect.

I've been a little adventurous since my divorce, so I'm not a complete stranger to backdoor play, but Vincent's tongue against my asshole is still a shock. Shocking not just because of the unexpectedness of it, but also because of how fucking good it feels. Maybe it's because it’s considered taboo, or maybe it's simply because it means he likes every freaking inch of me. Either way, I'm gripping the covers and moaning as he licks around the tight ring, circling it as his fingers knead my cheeks.

When one hand leaves my ass to reach around and tease my clit, I nearly come. But once again, Vincent retracts every bit of touch, leaving me groaning against the blanket. "I think I hate you."

Vincent chuckles again, the sound low and deep and carrying no amusement. "Not yet, Angel Face. But you will.”