Bringing me here is stressing him out. I can feel it radiating off him, so I decide, no matter what, I'm going to be on my best behavior. I'm not here to impress anyone—I believe Vincent when he says he's not hiring me—but I don't want my presence to cause issues. And, based on the scowl tightening Vincent's face, it seems like he's expecting it to cause issues.

I can tell when we start to get close, not only because Vincent looks ready to stroke out, but also because I recognize a little of my surroundings. I've stared at the Google map of this area more times than I can count, and it's surreal to be here. Even more so to be here with Vincent beside me.

When we finally take the last turn and GHOST headquarters comes into view, my heart rate picks up. Even though I know this isn't the way I hoped to be here, it’s still exciting. Still a little bit of a dream come true. And it takes everything I have to smother the smile trying to work onto my face.

Instead of parking in front of the boring, but huge,building, Vincent circles to the back, punching the button on a second opener clipped to his visor. One of the bays at the back of the gigantic warehouse-type structure opens and we drive inside, parking at the end of a row of identical vehicles. There's also a line of economy-sized vans and a selection of random cars filling what amounts to an indoor parking garage.

Once we’re in place, Vincent opens his door, gripping my hand tighter before he gets out. "Stay put. I'm coming to get you." He releases his grip and slides out. I wait because I need to follow his lead on this. This is his world, and while I might not ever be an official part of it, I certainly don't want to get kicked out on my first visit.

He opens my door, standing back as I climb out, my feet decently cushioned by the thick fabric of his socks. He leads me on a path that avoids the wet streaks we just tracked in, ignoring the guy manning the desk just outside the entrance to the main part of the building as he presses one thumb to a reader. The door unlocks and we step inside. Just like that, I get my first glimpse of GHOST headquarters.

It’s... Not what I expected.

The hall in front of me is as boring and nondescript as the exterior. It could be a part of any office building or school across the country. The walls are beige. The industrial carpet is beige. Even the doors are painted beige.

I was expecting something sleeker. A little modern. Maybe even futuristic. This is just… Blah.

I stay at Vincent’s side as he walks down the boring corridor, leading me back toward the front of the building. He presses his full palm to another scanner and a heavy set of double doors clicks open. He pushes inside,holding the door for me, and I step in, sucking in a breath.

"Oh wow." I whisper the words, because I don't want to interrupt any of the dozens of people working around me. The room is gigantic, with a circular, tiered set-up that narrows to a smaller, sunken pit in the center. A huge, double-sided glass screen juts up from the center, offering everyone in the room a view of what's displayed there. The lighting is low, and the walls and ceiling are painted black so the countless monitors can be dimmed to reduce eyestrain.

Thisis what I was expecting.

We’re standing there for a good fifteen seconds before a single head comes our way. When it does, it's the man sitting at the very center of the room. He looks back at his screen almost immediately, his eyes only off us for a split second before swinging back in a double take, his angular jaw going slack. He stands and comes our way, climbing the small set of stairs leading up from the pit. He tips his head at Vincent in greeting, his eyes darting my way before moving back to Vincent. "Hey, boss. I wasn't expecting you to be in today."

Vincent's expression is flat. "I wasn't expecting to come in, but I understand we've identified the four men from Nashville." His voice is flat and almost bland. So is his expression. I hide my reaction to this change as best I can and stay quiet, because I don't know what the fuck just happened to Vincent.

He's many things, but bland has never been one of them. Angry, frustrated, amused, exasperated—yes. Bland… no.

"That's right." The man nods. "We’re still digging intotheir backgrounds, but so far they all seem to reside in and around the Nashville area." The man's eyes come my way again before refocusing on Vincent. "I can show you what we have if you want."

"That's not why I'm here." Vincent's cool gaze moves around the room. "Since your team hasn't been able to navigate Julieanne’s system, she came to assist you."

I swallow hard at the realization starting to settle around me. Vincent was not as full of shit as I thought he was. He is, in fact, an asshole. The man I'm looking at now is almost emotionless. Stiff. Stern. Uncaring and unamused by anything and everything.

And I'm fucked-up enough that it makes me want to smile.

Being divorced did make me better, but you don't come out of a twenty-year dysfunctional marriage without being a little damaged. And this is what I ended up with—being freaking giddy over a man who treats everyone but me like shit.

Holy heck how the tables have turned.

The man zeroes in on me, and this time his attention stays. He tips his head at me in the same greeting he gave Vincent. "Nice to meet you, Julieanne."

I don't smile at him because I feel like that's what Vincent would want. "It's Ms. Marello." I feel Vincent's eyes come to me, so I keep doing what I'm doing. "Where will I be sitting?" I try to match Vincent's tone. Try to be what he is. He brought me here, so I’m a reflection of him, and I'm going to do my damnedest to make him proud.

The man in front of me tucks his chin, like he's not quite sure what to make of me. "Of course. You’re morethan welcome to use my desk." He turns, going back down the long steps. I glance at Vincent, looking for reassurance.

He jerks his chin toward the steps, indicating I should follow, but I swear I can see a hint of a smile teasing his hard mouth.

It's all the encouragement I need to keep going as I am.

I follow the man to his desk, immediately dropping into the seat. He makes no move to walk away so I turn to him, giving him my best Vincent inspired glare. "I'll let you know if I need anything."