But they’re too slow, unprepared and poorly trained, so I do feel a little bad as I put a bullet through each of their foreheads. But only a little. They’re fucking touching Julieanne’s things, and I can't stand by and allow that to happen.
I move to the stairs quickly. While silencers take the edge off, they don't obscure the sound of a gunshot completely, so if they're paying attention, the boys upstairs will have heard me taking out their buddies. Sticking to the silent side of the steps, and skipping the sixth one up, I listen for any sign of where the rest of the group is. I wouldhave sent in a four-man team to deal with an op like this, so I have to assume whoever's in charge of this one would do the same. They can’t be complete idiots. They were able to find Julieanne.
Once I reach the top of the steps, I lean to look into her office. It's shockingly empty. Given there's only a handful of reasons for these guys to be here—and all of them relate to her dangerous hobby—I would’ve expected them to zero in on her computers.
A shuffling sound leads me into her bedroom and once again I find myself staring at the back of the man inside. He seems to be the only one up here, and I shake my head, disgusted at how inept these fuckers are.
But then I realize what he's doing and my disgust turns to pure, uncontrolled rage. "Get your fucking hands out of that drawer."
The prick spins to face me, the knit mask that should be covering his face pulled up to his forehead. In his hands is the pink vibrator. And seeing him touch something that’s touched Julieanne’s cunt sends my pulse skyrocketing.
I blow out a long breath, but there's no reining myself in now. "You just had to be a fucking pig, didn't you?" I drop the aim of my pistol and fire a round right into his crotch. I know the fucker’s hard because I know he's imagining my Angel Face using the vibrator he’s still gripping tight. I shoot his dick again for daring to continue holding onto something that was once against her perfect flesh.
He howls in pain, dropping to the floor, and as much as I want to empty every round into what’s left of his prick, I can't let him keep screaming like this. The next round goes between his eyes, silencing him for good.
That’s when it hits me that I’ve fucked up. Again.
I should have kept one of them alive so I could find out who sent them and why, but the second I saw him touching that vibrator, I lost it. It’s unfortunately becoming my normal reaction when Julieanne is involved.
A quick sweep of the unit confirms no one else is there. Switching off the lights, I lock all the doors and windows before slipping out the back. Pulling out my phone as I stand on the patio, I listen to make sure none of Julieanne's neighbors decided to be nosy, but the only sound I hear is the soft flow of water coming from the partly frozen fountain in the middle of the pond.
Amos answers immediately.
"I need a cleanup crew." I rattle off Julieanne's address as I move to peek around the side of the building, double checking to make sure it really was only a three-man team. "I’ve got three units that will need to be extracted, identified, and disposed of."
"Got it. Anything else?"
Amos’s cool calm helps me regain mine. Helps me find my focus. I've done this countless times, but rage has never dictated my actions. Not until today. And I need to get it under control. "Once the cleanup crew is done, I need the place packed up. I want everything brought to headquarters."
So much for getting shit under control.
"Done." Amos doesn't ask any questions. When he disconnects, I know it’s because he's going to do exactly as I've asked, leaving me to collect Julieanne and get her safely to the airport.
Instead of going directly to where I left her, I move between the buildings, glancing around the parking lotand sidewalks for any sign of the fourth man. I still can't believe they would send an odd number. It doesn't make sense. Teams need to be able to pair off to ensure everyone has someone at their back. So no one can do what I just did.
I tuck my gun close, concealing it as much as possible, just in case someone walks out their front door and catches me hunting. I still don't quite blend in, given I'm geared up and dressed head to toe in black, but I sure look a hell of a lot less threatening when I'm not obviously armed.
Once I reach the end of the row of buildings, I turn the corner and resume my normal stance, just in case. I’m moving quickly, ready to collect Julieanne and get her the fuck out of here, but a muffled sound makes my stomach drop. I take off at a full run, not caring who sees me or what the fallout might be as I race toward Julieanne's hiding spot. I get my eyes on the overgrown landscaping just as a silenced shot stops my heart.
The fourth man I’ve been searching for stands forty yards away from me and I sprint his direction, ready to rip every appendage from his body.
I shouldn't have left her. Shouldn't have gone back. I should have just gotten her out of here. I should have—
The man standing at the edge of the trees sways on his feet. Another silenced shot sends his body jolting back before it finally tips, hitting the ground with a heavy thud. Revealing where Julieanne is crouched on the other side of him, the pistol I left her still pointed at the dead man she just took down.
The air rushes from my lungs, relief flooding my veins at the sight of her. I run faster, jumpingover her victim before going to my knees and pulling her against my chest as she starts to sob.
"Shh." I carefully take the gun from her hand, switching on the safety before tucking it into my holster. Once it’s in place, I hold her to me with both arms, resting my cheek against the top of her head. "It's okay. Everything is fine." I smooth circles over her back, trying to calm her down. "I won't let anybody hurt you. I promise."
I say it, but it's not true. I did almost let someone hurt her. I left a barely armed, completely unprepared woman to fend for herself in a dangerous situation. I was quick to judge whoever sent that team to Julieanne's condo, but that judgment could be turned right back my way.
"I won’t leave you again. I promise." Her body shudders with each heaving sob that breaks free, every one of them stabbing into a spot I no longer believed existed.
But it does, and it’s still just as raw as it ever was.
I want to give her time to calm down, but we can't stay here. The team that came after her is unpredictable. As far as I know there could be four more of them canvassing the complex. Looking for her. And I can’t be trusted to keep my head right now.
I need to remove myself from the situation.