The sharp tone of his voice makes me jump, but only because it startles me. His personality is abrasive and arrogant, but I think I might like that. He's not the kind of guy who goes around oozing charm on everyone, trying to make them think he's the perfect man.

No, that's how my ex was, and I fucking hated it. Everyone else in the world thought he was great. Amazing. Smart and funny and interesting. None of them got to see the real him, and he liked it that way. He liked giving the best of himself to everyone else and leaving me the sludge at the bottom of the tank. It left me not only miserable, but also isolated because I was the only one who knew thetruth. And I couldn't say shit about it because no one would have believed me.

I've only really been around Vincent for a short while, but I can already tell he's not the kind of man who spews bullshit to manipulate the people around him. He doesn't pretend to be nice or sweet or conversational to trick everyone into thinking he’s something he's not.

He probably doesn't give a shit what they think, and I like that too.

"Julieanne." He says my name as a warning, but like just about everything else Vincent does, it shoots straight to my middle, warming all my lusty bits.

"I'm coming." I smile to myself because I actually was not long ago. For the first time, I actually got off during sex. Not just got off, but had what was arguably the best orgasm of my life thanks to Vincent’s superior clit identification skills and his magically shaped wiener.

I think I might see if I can accomplish it again.

Going to my drawers, I pull out an old, white T-shirt and pull it over my head. I skip a bra, because that would go against my entire goal here. After carefully arranging my hair so the water running down my strands collects right over my nipples, I pull on a pair of stretchy, easily removable lounge pants.

I also skip panties, because I don't want anything to slow him down.

I stride into my office and find Vincent standing at my personal computer, bent at the waist, hands on my keyboard. His eyes lift to where I stand, fixing on the wet spots spreading across my boobs. Heat flares in his gaze and his jaw clenches. After a few longseconds, his attention snaps down to the monitor in front of him. "Get your ass over here."

I smile since he's not looking at me, pleased that he noticed what I wanted him to see. Instead of following the path that would allow me to easily slip into the chair, I circle my desk on the opposite side, forcing Vincent to straighten so I can get past him. I make sure the curve of my ass rubs against the front of his pants as I wiggle my way through.

When he goes still, I decide sitting is overrated. Instead, I mimic his pose from earlier and bend at the waist, bumping my ass back against him as I lean down to reach for my keyboard. "I'm actually surprised you didn't just handle this on your own." I shift on my feet, not because I need to, but because it also shifts my ass where it’s pressed against the hard line of his cock, which seems like it might be interested in round two as well. "I just put up another firewall."

"How do you expect me to handle it when no one on my team can access their devices?" It sounds like he's talking between clenched teeth, which makes me shift on my feet again, this time adding a little extra rub to the action.

"They could've easily used a personal device." It takes me all of thirty seconds to undo what I did, removing the firewall keeping GHOST from accessing their system.

"I don't allow personal devices on site."

"Well maybe you should." I straighten, but don't adjust my position, the move bringing my back flush against Vincent’s front. "Just in case someone else manages to hack into your system."

I wait, expecting him to move away from me. Forwhatever reason, Vincent wants to pretend he doesn't want me, but that's not really something he can deny at this point. It’s probably why he keeps jumping over my balcony. Which is what I expect him to do now. He got what he came for. There's no reason for him to stay.

But instead of moving away, his hands come to my hips, fingers digging in as he leans into my ear. "The only time anyone’s ever gotten into my system was six months ago when you did it, Angel Face."

I could swear he sounds a little impressed, but that could just be wishful thinking. If he was genuinely impressed, wouldn't he want me on his team?

I know that ship has sailed, but now I kinda want to make him see what he missed out on. "That's not true." I tip my head, lifting my eyes to meet his. "I've been back in at least ten times since then."




THIS WOMAN HAS a death wish.

I can't stop myself from gripping her hips tighter, gritting out a question against her ear. "And where else have you found your way into, my little thorn?"

Julieanne leans back into me, the sweet press of her soft body only making my agitation worse. "Little thorn? I thought I was Angel Face."

I run my thumb over the soft fabric of her pants, taking a steeling breath when I don't find the telltale bumps of panty lines. "Angels don't break into other people’s systems, and they sure as hell don't lock them down."

Julieanne is very good at what she does. Good enough I wish I could have hired her. A skill set like hers would be invaluable. Would make me feel a little better about losing the second most talented woman I know to Alaskan Security. I'm sure Pierce loved knowing I attempted to get Heidi to come work for GHOST. Loved knowing she turned me down even more.

Until I had his team running in circles, chasing athreat that didn’t exist, proving GHOST was still superior without her.

"What do angels do?" Her head rocks against my shoulder as her hands slide back to grip the backs of my thighs.