
"Goddammit." I shove away from the desk, the rollers of my chair sliding across the wood floor. Then I start to pace, rubbing at my face and eyes as I come to terms with the gauntlet she's thrown down.

That was a threat and she knew it. Now I've got to follow through. I've got to make good on the threat I made.

The primary issue is, I didn't expect tohaveto make good on the threat. I expected my little thorn to cave the minute she knew I was here. The minute she knew I came for her.

I anticipated an apology. Maybe some tears. Promises she would never be so fucking stupid again.

Instead, I got defiance, obstinance, and a fucking pink vibrator.

That goddamned pink vibrator.

I already know why she took it. The plan she’s concocting. I gave her too much power when I stole it. Showed too many of the cards in my hand. But I knew I wasn’t strong enough to watch her through the window again. Especially not now that I know whatever happens will absolutely be intended for my eyes. Done to prove she’s not intimidated or afraid. And denying how that affects me is as impossible as the vicious need it sends crawling up my spine.

I thought I'd be fine. That I could come here, do what needed to be done, and go back to Alaska with my head held high.

I still think I can, but I've got to do it fast. Julieanne threatens everything I've spent a lifetime building. Every bit of it could come crumbling down because of her, and I can't let that happen. I won't.

That means I’ve got to push back. Hard. No moretiptoeing around. No more calculated moves. I have to shove her past her breaking point and I have to do it now.

It's time to show her the worst of me.

I gear up, methodically collecting everything I might need before bundling up against the cold and going out the back door. It's a safe assumption to believe she's watching the apartment, so I slink through the shadows, taking the long way around before tucking into the same spot I sat in last night. It gives me an unobstructed view of her place, but also allows me to ensure no one else is around. She can be stupid if she wants, but I'll be damned if I let someone else see her that way.

That's another thing I'll do. I'll make sure she understands just how bad of an idea it is to display herself the way she did. To tempt anyone watching into coming closer.

To tempt me.

I press my binoculars into place and I wait.

And wait.

And wait.

From my vantage point I'm also able to peer between the buildings, seeing just enough of the condo I rented to know Julieanne hasn't tried to pay me another visit. I'm also fairly confident she hasn't left, but even though I can see nearly her entire townhome, there hasn't been any sign of her for hours.

Maybe she's working late. Maybe she's hacking into some other poor sucker’s system. The thought has me grinding my molars and considering going back to my desk to see exactly what she's up to. To make sure she's not putting herself in yet another dangerous situation.

But then the light in her bedroomflares to life, the glow stretching out over the balcony where I stood twenty-four hours ago. She crosses the room, still wearing that fucking dress, coming straight to the glass. Her eyes move over the landscape, slowly sweeping the area outside.

She's looking for me. She knows I'm out here. My pulse pounds in my ears, sending too much of my blood south as my little thorn rests one palm against the window. Her other hand lifts into view. She squints down at the cell phone in her grip, raising it higher. Her gaze lifts away from the screen, following a slow path to my exact location. She can't actually see me, I know that, but the way her eyes practically lock on mine makes it seem like—

I drop my binoculars but continue to stare at where she stands. "Fucking hell."

I can't see perfectly now, but I could swear Julieanne smiles, her chin barely lifting higher. She might not be able to see me, but she knows exactly where I am.

Because my little thorn is tracking me.




MY HEART’S IN my throat as I watch Vincent storm out of his apartment. I guess I don't have to wonder if he’s angry anymore, because there is no denying the look on his face. He is pissed as hell.

He's also hot as hell. That little glimpse of him I got through the computer screen all those months ago didnotdo him justice. Yes, I could tell he had a great face and broad shoulders, but that was all I had to go on. I had to fill in the rest myself.