Then she had to go and do that. Turn me into a voyeur instead of a predator. I should've looked away. Should have dropped my binoculars the minute her bra hit the floor.
But I didn't. I couldn't. It was impossible to look away as she bared every inch of her perfect body, eyes fused onthe glass doors between us. Almost like she was daring me to watch her.
So I did. I didn't fucking blink until she collapsed against the mattress, thighs still splayed open, full tits lifting toward the ceiling with each heaving breath.
I've seen a lot of things in my life, but nothing that came close to that.
I might have felt bad about it if she hadn't left the blinds open and positioned herself in a way so anyone looking would see exactly what she was doing. But she did it on purpose, because my little thorn doesn't just like breaking the rules, she wants everyone to watch while she does.
Unfortunately, the shit she dabbles in is way more dangerous than displaying her writhing body to anyone who happens to be across the pond and in possession of a pair of military-grade binoculars.
That sends me standing up, clenching my jaw as I glance around the empty office I found my way into. The whole building was dark when I came in and the lot was empty, but what if someone found their own way inside? Came back to grab something they forgot and just witnessed the same thing I did? What if they too watched her, dick aching in their pants, sure it was them she was focused on?
I grab my bag and stalk out into the hall, doing a quick walk-through of the second floor. It's the only one with an eyeline to Julieanne’s condo, so the only way they would get a glimpse of the way her hips worked as that hot pink vibrator shoved her over the edge, was if they were here.
Thankfully, the building is still just as empty as it waswhen I came in. I didn't come here to turn people into corpses, but anyone willing to invade Julieanne's privacy like that deserves whatever I decide to dish out.
Of course, I don't lump myself in with them. Technically, Julieanne invited me into her life six months ago when she popped onto my computer screen. If she's smart enough to hack into GHOST’s system, she's smart enough to know the game she's playing has no rules. The second she decided to come after me, she knew there was a chance I’d come after her. That means she should always expect me to be watching—
I stop short, eyes going back to the glow of her bedroom just as she slips into the hall, her softly curved body wrapped in a robe the same hot pink color as the toy she tucked into her flushed cunt.
Does she expect me to be watching?
There’s no way. No way she could know I’m here. Even if she did, that little show wouldn’t have been intended for my eyes.
A light flicks on at the side of her condo, filtering out just enough for me to know she’s in her office. Not where I expected her to go next, but maybe she has some emails to check. A Tinder profile to block. Hopefully she was smart enough not to give that prick her number. He obviously didn’t pick her up for their date, but it’s easy enough to connect a number to an address. Even someone as dumb as him could do it.
And that ass is definitely dumb. He has to be, to not only show up late to a date with a woman who looks like Julieanne, but also then act like his mother never taught him to pull out a woman’s chair.
The light at the side of her condo disappears and I drop my bag to the floor, pressing the binoculars back into place. I zero in on the lower level, watching through the bottom set of sliding doors as Julieanne comes back into view. She's clutching the front of her robe with one hand, her steps slow and careful. Pausing in front of the coat closet under the stairs, her shoulders lift and drop on a deep breath before she flings it open, feet positioned like she's ready to run. Her body sags as the hand gripping her robe drops.
She slowly closes the door before finally making her way toward the kitchen, pausing just in front of the sliding doors so I have a head-to-toe view of the body I've now seen every inch of. Her eyes drop to the peninsula separating the dining nook and the kitchen. She slowly picks up the card I left, flipping it over to read the word on the back.
Her expression isn't filled with the shock I expected. Or the fear.
When she lifts it to her nose, I nearly groan.
Because I was wrong.
That show she put on absolutely was for me.
Julieanne's eyes lift to the window and I could swear she stares right at me as she slides the card into the pocket of her robe. Then, just to prove how little self-preservation she really has, she steps to the door and flips the lock open. After turning off all but the single light above the kitchen sink, her shadowy form moves to the front door. I don't have to see to know she's unlocking it too. By the time she appears in her bedroom, I'm gritting my teeth, jaw ticking from the pressure, as she unlocks the door I locked before I left.
Has she lost her fucking mind? I know what she's doing, but it’s still stupid. Reckless.
Julieanne fully understands the game she started and came to fucking play, but I'm not the only one she's basically inviting in. The only one she's taunting. The building I’m in is empty, but what about the others on this side of the pond? I don't have time to clear them all. Even if I did, anyone who might have been in them could easily slip out before I got there, deciding to take Julieanne up on her infinitely stupid invitation.
Because they don't know it was for me.
Collecting all my gear, I rush out of the building, reconnecting the cameras and security system before I take off into the night, circling the retention pond on foot. The complex where she lives is established enough that the landscaping has had time to grow, offering a few protected spots for me to choose from for my watch.
If Julieanne wants to play, we’ll play. But she's about to find out I'm better at this game than she will ever be. I won't be walking through any of her unlocked doors tonight. Probably not tomorrow either.
But neither will anyone else.
Choosing the thickest copse of trees and bushes, I stalk into the shadowy growth, putting my back to the biggest of the trunks before hunkering down. Pulling up the collar of my coat, I settle in. I'm not so much protecting her as I am my own interests. I came here for a reason. To prove a point. No one's going to take that opportunity from me.
I watch through my binoculars, the dramatic change in the distance between us offering me a significantly more detailed view of Julieanne as she comes back to the glassdoors of her bedroom. She stares out into the night, her palms pressed against the pane.