Page 37 of Point of Contact

That made her laugh. "Have you met me? I'm always emotional.”

She scooted a little closer, sliding one leg along his. "I'm also not the kind of girl who does anything she doesn't want to do."

A lot could be said about her. A lot had. Little of it cast her in a good light, which she probably deserved. But that didn't mean there was nothing good about her. Nothing worth being proud of.

She was honest. Determined. Confident in spite of all she'd been through. Braver than most people would suspect. She knew what she wanted, and she went for it.

And it was becoming very hard not to want Reed.

Hooking one knee over his hip, she used the connection to lock his body to hers. "I know it's hard to believe, what with you being such an asshole and all, but I'm starting to be fond of you."

Reed’s unwavering stare held, but one corner of his mouth twitched. "Did you just say you werefondof me? How old areyou?"

Courtney smiled, the expression genuine and easy. She loved the way he liked to bicker with her. Loved the verbal sparring always happening between them. "I was trying to be thoughtful. You seemed so offended when I offered to suck your dick, so I was trying to explain how I felt in a more palatable way. But if it makes you feel better," she leaned closer, pressing against the grip of his hand on her face, "I wouldn't be against you sliding your cock against my tongue."

She expected him to be just as irritated by her forward behavior as he was before, but Reed's reaction this time was very different.

“Careful, Princess.” His nostrils flared as his eyes dipped to watch as his thumb skimmed across her lips before pressing between them, sliding into the wet well of her mouth. "You keep making that offer, I might take you up on it. Give this mouth something better to do than give me shit."

Holy hell. She was no virgin, but any dirty talk she'd experienced up until now was severely lacking. Borderline hilarious. There was nothing funny about the words coming out of Reed's mouth. A mouth she now suspected could be quite filthy when properly motivated.

Courtney pursed her lips, curling her tongue around his thumb as she sucked, taking it deeper, her eyes staying on his. She hadn't been touched in God only knew how long, and right now she was desperate for some sort of contact.

If she considered it too long, it would probably be apparent that it wasn't general contact she was interested in, but contact from a very specific source. That would have to be a problem for another day. She learned long ago that living in the moment might be the only way she could ever live, and it had always served her well. But something told her tonight wouldn't remain in this moment. She wouldn't want it to.

Reed watched, his focus completely on where her lips wrapped around him, as she flicked her tongue against his skin, hollowing her cheeks in the way that made most men shoot their wad in a matter of seconds. It wasn’t so much about how it felt. It was about how it looked. Men were visual creatures, and she was more than happy to put on a performance. That was what her whole life had been after all.

Reed slowly withdrew from her mouth, popping his thumb free with a wet sound that hit her between her thighs.

For some reason, the thought of sucking him off was appealing as hell. It could be easy to think it was because she would be on her knees and at his mercy, but that wasn't the way that particular act worked. The power dynamic actually worked in the opposite direction. That was likely why she was so hyper focused on it. The thought of being in control of a man like him fed the weakest parts of her. The bit that never had power. Was never in charge of her own life or her own destiny.

Holding someone as in control and strong as Reed in the palm of her hand made her both heady and horny. A combination that was not so easy to ignore.

Reed dragged his wet digit across her lower lip. "You are determined to always be a problem, aren't you, Princess?"

"I don't know many men who would classify a woman offering them sexual favors as a problem." She was starting to wonder how it was so easy for him to turn her down. Especially when it was becoming more and more obvious he was just as interested as she was.

"I'm not in the market for favors, Courtney." His tone almost sounded chastising, and it got her hackles up.

"Fuck you then. I take it all back." She planted both hands on his chest and shoved, grunting in frustration when he didn't budge. "Oh my freaking God. Why are you so hard to move?"

Reed didn’t even have the decency to look upset by her outburst. “Maybe I’m not the issue, Princess.”

She scoffed, the sound snorty and indignant. “You’re always the issue, ass.”

Reed grabbed her hands, stopping her increasingly aggressive shoving. “I think maybe we’re both an issue.” His thumbs stroked along the insides of her wrist in a touch that stole all her focus and pulled her gaze to the point of contact. “I’ll admit I’m an ass, but you are absolutely a brat.”

“I must not be that big of a brat.” She pushed out her lower lip, giving him a pout. “Because you still haven’t spanked me.”

Reed’s lips pulled into a slow smile as his fingers kept stroking her skin. “You are definitely that big of a brat.” He lifted her hand to his mouth. Her breath caught as his lips brushed against the angry bruise still blooming across her thumb. “Bratty enough I’m sure one day my palm will warm your ass, but not right now.” His tongue flicked across her skin, teasing the sore spot with a gentle touch. “Right now you need something else.”

She struggled to breathe as he continued teasing across her skin. “What do I need?”

“You need someone to be nice to you. Because I’m starting to think that hasn’t happened much.” His lips moved to the inside of her wrist, sliding over the sensitive spot his thumb just stroked.

“And you’re the one who’s going to do it?” She watched him with rapt attention, barely managing an unbelieving snort. “I’m not sure that’s in your wheelhouse.”

“I can be sweet.” His lips traveled up her arm, pausing at the crook of her elbow—a spot she didn’t know was as sensitive as it was until he nipped it with his teeth. “Just like you can be patient.”