As they reached the end of the bus area, Nate pointed at a line of fencing at the back of the building. “What’s over there?”
“That’s where we keep the dumpsters and get deliveries. The gate stays closed and locked unless we’re scheduled to have someone pick up trash or drop off food for the cafeteria.”
Once again, he was impressed with the safety officer. The man clearly had his thumb on the happenings at the school. “And what happens today?”
“Today is trash day. They show up to empty the dumpster not long after the school day starts.”
Nate scanned the students as they jumped off buses and skipped their way toward the doors. “How does the garbage truck get in? Do they use this lot and cut across?”
The safety officer shook his head, but all his focus was on the kids. “There’s an access lane at the back of the school. They come in and out that way so we don’t run the risk of anyone accidentally getting hit.”
Nate stopped what he was doing and focused on the security officer. “An access lane?” He shook his head. “That wasn’t on the aerial scan we did.”
Normally he wouldn’t offer up just how much information Alaskan Security could obtain, but this was about the safety of hundreds of students.
And Eloise.
The safety officer gave him a shrug, continuing to do the job he was assigned. “There’s a bunch of trees up both sides of it. I guess it could have been obscured by them.”
Nate lifted his gaze to the perimeter, looking for any sign of Reed. “I’ll be right back.”
He left the safety officer at his post, tapping his mic to life as he strode across the playground currently serving as a bus lot. “You see anything strange Reed?”
Reed’s line crackled as it came to life. “I’m seeing a lot of people who don’t maintain their fucking fences.”
“I just found out there’s an access lane at the back of the school. I’m headed there to check it out. See what we’re dealing with and how it can be secured.” Nate picked up the pace, leaving behind the excited chatter of kids as he moved toward the tall privacy-style fencing blocking his view of the back portion of the school. He was almost to the corner when the sound of Eloise’s voice sent a chill snaking down his spine.
“If you thought you were fucked before, you’re about to realize you don’t understand what the word fucked really means.” Her words were loud and angry and threatening in a way she wasn’t currently equipped to back up.
But he was.
Nate took off, sprinting in the direction of her voice as he opened every line connected to his earpiece. “I need everybody available to get to the back of the school. Now.” His boots skidded across the slippery lot, but he didn’t have the luxury of slowing down. The sound of a sharp yelp made him push faster, fighting to keep his balance as he reached the open gate.
The sight in front of him nearly stopped his heart. Bryson lay on the filthy snow, sprawled out and unmoving. An unkempt, grungy man had Eloise, one gloved hand fisted in her hair and the other digging into her upper arm as he attempted to haul her out through the opening and toward an idling beat-up two door.
“Let her go.” Nate pulled the pistol from his waist, taking aim.
Before he could get a shot off, the man held Eloise in front of him, using her as a shield. “This doesn’t involve you.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. It very much involves me.” Nate held his stance, forcing himself to stay calm as he waited for the opportunity he needed. “So I’ll make you a deal. Let her go and I won’t splatter your brains all over this place.”
“I said this doesn’t involve you.” The man’s words were slightly slurred as he continued moving, keeping Eloise’s body between them. “This is between me and this bitch.”
Eloise went limp, forcing the man to bear all her weight. It was a smart tactic. Proved she was as prepared for just about any scenario as she claimed.
Unfortunately, her attempt to gain Nate the opportunity he needed was ineffective. The man—Bryson’s father if he had to take a guess—was many things, and one of them appeared to be relatively strong. He grunted at the added weight, but managed to keep Eloise in place as he continued toward the car.
“You’re not getting away.” Nate jerked his chin toward the area around them. “My men are all over this place.”
“If I don’t get out of here she doesn’t get out either.” The man sneered from behind Eloise. “So you better just let it go.”
Nate continued following the man as he moved, waiting for the window he needed. All it would take was a split second and he would be able to—
The sound of a silenced shot sliced through the icy air. Before Nate could react, the man holding Eloise went stiff, stumbling just a second before toppling over, taking her down with him.
“Shit.” Nate tapped his mic. “He’s down. Hold your fire.” He rushed to Eloise’s side, reaching her just as she managed to wrestle free and crawl away from him, her eyes wild with panic.
“It’s okay. He’s dead.” He was trying to soothe her. Calm her down so she would realize she didn’t need to escape.