Nate was a big man. It would only make sense he would have a big dick, but still. Knowing what makes sense and staring it in the eye are two completely different things. “Wow.”
Nate chuckled as he kicked away the last of his clothes. One hand came to grip the base of his cock, fisting it tight as he gave it a quick stroke. “Don’t act surprised. You’ve seen it before.”
Eloise swallowed hard. With his hand there it made it even easier to see how very thick and very long he was. “I must have still been in shock from someone trying to kill me because I don’t remember all that.” She couldn’t tear her eyes away from where he continued to stroke himself. “I’m a little intimidated.”
Nate dropped down over her, releasing his dick to reach for the nightstand. “You’re good for my ego, you know that?” He snagged a condom and ripped it open, rolling it down his substantial girth. “And I’m sure you’ll be just fine.” He notched himself against her. “Hopefully better than just fine.”
Eloise held her breath, expecting him to shove forward. To spear into her with abandon the way every other man she’d been with had done.
But Nate didn’t budge. He stayed exactly where he was, the thick head of his cock barely breaching her body as his eyes and hands moved over her skin, stroking, teasing.
As the seconds ticked past, it was impossible to ignore how suddenly empty she felt. How much she wanted him to push his way into her. To stretch her to her limits.
Unfortunately, Nate didn’t seem as eager for that moment as she was. After waiting somewhat patiently she started to squirm, wiggling around in an attempt to gain what she was lacking.
“Is something wrong?” Nate’s hooded gaze lifted to hers, one slashing brow lifting.
“I just don’t know what you’re waiting for.” She wiggled a little more, managing to gain an inch.
“I was trying to savor the moment.” He hooked his hands behind her knees, lifting them high and wide. “But I guess I can savor the moment next time too.” His eyes locked on where their bodies joined, watching with complete focus as he slowly sank into her. His jaw clenched tight as he stared, body tense with restrained power.
Nate was capable of unimaginable things yet he was so fucking careful with her. Every touch was strong but gentle. Confident and capable but filled with a tenderness that made her ache deep inside.
It also made her ache for him. Imagining all the things he sacrificed for the family he loved, worried they might not choose him if push came to shove. Scared they could walk away from him at any second.
And he might feel the same way about her. Might worry that one wrong move would send her turning away from him. Leaving him behind.
The realization had Eloise reaching for him. Gripping Nate’s arms and pulling his body against hers. She hooked her legs at his waist and her arms at his neck, keeping him close. Her eyes stared up into his as Nate’s body finally fully seated into hers, the full, hard length of him creating a completing sort of stretch.
His forehead dropped to hers as he pulled back and slowly pushed into her again. Every move of his body filled in the empty parts of her. Every brush of his hand across her skin soothed the rough edges of the walls she’d built—not to keep people out, but to make them want to allow her into their world.
Eloise slid her hands down his back, tracing the valleys and curves of the well-honed muscles there as he fucked her.
No. That’s not what they were doing.
This was more than fucking. This was something else. Something she couldn’t identify. Something she was afraid to imagine.
Something she didn’t want to let go of or lose. Something that made it even easier to understand why Nate had done what he’d done.
Because the possibility of losing this—someone who saw her, understood her, appreciated her—was terrifying. Almost as terrifying as losing someone as caring and protective and patient as Nate.
Eloise closed her eyes, pinching them tight as she focused on stopping the climb her body had already started. She wanted this to go on. To never stop.
“Open your eyes, Eloise.” Nate didn’t ask. He demanded.
She lifted her lids, meeting his gaze. “I don’t want this to be over.”
Nate gripped her hips, angling them up just a little bit. Just enough for his body to sink deeper. His next thrust dragged over the secret spot only he seemed able to find, and her body responded immediately, clenching around him in every way.
“It doesn’t have to be over.” He sped up, filling her faster, deeper. “I will fuck you like this every day for the rest of your life if that’s what you want.”
It was an exaggeration. Obviously that would be impossible due to traveling schedules and stomach aches and old age, but the sentiment held true.
As did the offer it sounded like he was making.
“You can’t know that. You don’t even really know me.” It tasted like a lie as she said it. In truth, Nate knew her better than almost anyone ever had.
Maybe even herself.