Page 52 of Line of Resistance

Nate stared at her silently. It wasn’t technically an answer, but it told her everything she needed to know.

It also sent her lunging across the blanket, tackling him and holding on tight as they went down, sending their supplies scattering.

Nate hadn’t been fucking with her. He wasn’t leading her on or playing games.

He was just a terrified and broken little boy who didn’t realize how loved he really was.

But before she could do anything to soothe away the haunted look on his face, the world shifted and she found her back against the blankets with a very intense mercenary staring down at her.

Then his mouth was on hers.



HE EXPECTED IT to take a little longer for Eloise to warm up to him. That he would have to put in just as much time and effort into winning her back as he did pushing her away.

He should’ve known better. Should’ve realized Eloise was the kind of person who would understand what he’d been through. Why he was the way he was.

It still felt too easy. Undeserved.

Which is why, as impossible of a feat as it seemed, he needed to hit the brakes.

Nate pulled his mouth from hers, sucking in a steeling breath when she immediately grabbed his hair and tried to pull him back. It took everything in him to resist her, but it had to be done. “We need to slow down.”

He thought she might be grateful. That Eloise would recognize the same thing he did and understand why they should slow down.

At the very least he expected her to agree.

Instead the wickedly sexy snarl she wore when tackling him came back to her face. “Are you fucking kidding me?” Eloise shoved at his chest, fighting to get out from under him. “Get off me.”

Nate grabbed her shoving hands, fighting to catch them just in case she started to swing. Once he had her by the wrists he pinned both to the blanket above her head. “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m not backing off again.” He met her narrowed gaze. “But a few hours ago you said you hated me. I think we need to pace ourselves.”

“That was before I knew why you were being such a pain in the ass.” Eloise wiggled around, managing to get one leg free, but instead of helping her escape, the move brought his hips between her thighs, lining his fully hard cock up against the seam of her pussy. Eloise gasped at the sudden pressure where their bodies met. “Oh.” Her lips parted and her pupils dilated and she stopped fighting.

And, just like every other time he tried to stick to his guns, she slid right past his defenses. Making him go back on his good intentions.

Nate thrust, dragging his length against her. He was rewarded with a whimper of a moan that shot straight to his groin, pulling his balls tight. He’d been caught in a constant state of arousal since making her come, feeling how wet she got for him, and his body was desperate for release.

Eloise bent the knee on her freed leg, pressing her foot into the blanket for leverage as she rolled her hips, rubbing against him and sending spots dancing across his vision.

He gritted his teeth against the need to come. “Why do you have to be such a pain in my ass?”

“Because you keep coming back for more.” Eloise arched her back, bringing the soft press of her tits flush against his chest as she rolled into him again.

“I can’t help it.” There was no stopping himself as he continued thrusting against her, meeting her movements. “You make me fucking crazy.”

This situation was spiraling out of control and it was happening fast. His chances of regaining control slipped away more with each drag of his body against hers and it was clear Eloise would not be the one hitting the brakes. That responsibility fell to him.

Nate risked releasing one of her wrists and grabbed her thigh, tipping it back until her butt lifted off the blanket, stealing her ability to continue torturing him.

“Well that was just mean.” Eloise fisted her hand in the front of his coat, holding tight as she fought her other leg free. “For a guy who was awfully eager to dish out orgasms earlier, you’re sure as hell holding back now.”

“Is that what you think is happening?” Before she could cause any more problems, like making him deal with frozen cum in his pants, he pushed up to his knees. “Because I don’t remember refusing to give you anything.”

He reached under the hem of her coat and flipped the button of her borrowed jeans free, yanking the sides apart to force the zipper open before dragging them down to the middle of her thighs. Once he had enough room to work he pushed her knees up to her chest, baring her flushed pussy to the cold air. He fisted one hand in the bunched denim fabric, using it to keep her pinned in place as he tugged his glove off with his teeth and slid his fingers over her glistening flash. “Is this what’s wrong?” He found her swollen clit and teased alongside it. “Is this why you’re being such a pain in the ass? Because I didn’t take care of you well enough earlier?”

Eloise whimpered, but didn’t offer an answer.