Nate caught her elbow just before she bumped into them, pulling her close and out of their path.
She sucked in a breath as her body met the solid line of his and heat instantly flamed her cheeks. She inched back, putting a more respectable amount of space between them.
Nate’s eyes moved over her face, brows pinched in concern. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” She forced her eyes to stay on his. “You just surprised me.”
Nate moved in a little closer, lowering his voice as the clog of people continued to filter out of the lobby. “I wanted to talk to you.” The hand holding her arm gentled but didn’t let go. “I want to apologize.”
Of course he did. Because this night wasn’t horrible enough already. Now Nate wanted to add insult to injury. Line up another of the explanations she’d collected over the years.
You’re too good for me.
You deserve better.
You are such a good friend and I don’t want to lose that.
You’ll make some other man very happy.
Eloise forced on a smile, just like she did every other time a man hid his own feelings behind false flattery. “There’s nothing to apologize for.” She carefully wiggled free of his hand. “You’re allowed to not be interested in me.”
It would be so much easier if they would just say it.
Admit she wasn’t what they wanted instead of trying to make it seem like her goodness was the problem.
Nate moved in again, claiming all but an inch of the space separating them. “It’s not like th—”
“What the fuck?”
Eloise stiffened at the familiar voice. The familiar tone.
Matt strode across the mostly empty lobby, strangling a bouquet of flowers with one hand. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
Before she could blink Nate was in front of her, blocking her body with his, the wide spread of his shoulders making it impossible to see what was happening on the other side.
“Watch yourself. There are kids here.” Nate’s tone was sharp and short.
“Fuck you.” Matt said it louder, making it clear he wouldn’t be letting Nate tell him what to do. “Get your ass out of my way. I’m here to see my girlfriend.”
Eloise tried to step from behind Nate, but one of his hands immediately shoved her back before circling her wrist, gently keeping her in place.
“If you want to talk to her then you’re going to calm down.” Nate’s thumb stroked across her skin in a reassuring touch. “And you’re going to watch what you say.”
“Who in the hell do you think you are?” Matt was closer now. Close enough that she could feel the anger and tension radiating off him.
It pushed her closer to Nate’s back. She knew Matt had a temper, but up until this moment it had never been directed at her, and now that it was, any hard feelings she had over their breakup were gone.
Long gone.
“Get out of my way.” Matt snarled the words out and Nate’s body barely rocked back.
“Touch me again and you won’t be walking out of here, friend.” Nate’s voice was cool and calm as the thumb on her wrist continued its steady slide across her skin.
Like this was just another day. And maybe to him it was. She knew what he and Tyson did for a living, in general terms, and suddenly wasn’t quite as upset about Nate’s presence.
“Eloise, it’s time to go.” Matt tried to step around Nate, but she barely caught a glimpse of him before Nate shifted, once again blocking him out.