Page 9 of Blood of Ancients

I had no time to think about it. My primal nature took over, all instinct and survival.

A wolf barreled toward me head-on, from the direction I’d been going. He hesitated as I charged at him, trying to get me to slow down and block my path.

Slowing down meant getting swarmed, so I simply charged into him, lowering my head. I butted the wolf in the side, sending him sprawling, whining, end-over-end, and I kept moving. My hind legs pumped as I debated where to go.

I knew these caves better than almost anyone. A plan started to form in my savage mind.

These were wolves from the Lanfen pack. I recognized them based on their darker fur and the stature of their forms. There were no other rivals of the Torfens who would be brazen enough to try something like this in broad daylight, so to speak.

The Lanfens were a lesser clan, led by patriarch Haldor Lanfen. While they considered themselves “rivals” to the Torfens, they were really just annoyances.

At least they had been up until now. Up until Gothi Sigmund encouraged violence among the student base by crowning the most bloodthirsty initiate in decades as Drengr.

I won’t turn around,I thought vaguely as I careened forward through narrowing tunnels and expansive caverns. Bringing the ambushers to Ravinica or her mates was untenable.

I wouldn’t put any of them in danger, especially Ravinica.

I only knew one group of allies who would be together and could help me: my own pack.

Sliding on my hind legs, rounding a pillar, I changed directions on a dime. Two wolves skittered past me, unable to accommodate the swift shift in momentum. Two others curved their trajectory to continue giving chase.

I galloped through the halls, instinctively knowing where I was going. If the Lanfens hadn’t been so mind-addled by bloodlust, they would have known where I was leading them.

It was no secret where the Torfens holed up.

Heading south, toward the western edge of the mountain, I entered a space of tendril-like tunnels hardly big enough for more than one animal.

They opened into wider caves, with high ceilings and a few cracked spots that let in slivers of pale sunlight.

I glanced over my shoulder, chest heaving, body prickling with excitement at the chase. I let my senses take over, sniffing the air for signs of my enemy.

I was close to the Torfen den, not far from the area beneath Nottdan Quarter on the southwest region of campus.

Padding over a sharp hill, I lowered my body and listened.

At some point, the Lanfen pack had stopped following me. I couldn’t be sure when they’d disengaged. Wagering a guess, it was when I emerged in this crystalline section of caves leading directly to my family den.

My body heaved from exertion. I made my way into the opening cave, proud to have escaped the Lanfens, but also feeling cowardly for having to run.Why the hell did they ambush me near the river in the first place? What has happened to make them so bold?

The fools would pay.

As I shifted into a human, I rounded a corner and called out, “You guys aren’t going to believe who just tried to fucking attack me. We’re going to have a field day, kin.”

A fist flew out of the shadow to my left.

My waning animal instincts kicked in and I dodged low, back bending painfully from the awkward maneuver. Eyes wide as the fist flew by my face, I Shaped a rune to summon wind and blow the attacker back.

Another strong arm wrapped around my bicep, pulling me, exposing my bare chest and shutting my runeshaping down with a wisp of illuminated air.

I roared, trying to spin to locate my attacker.

A kick landed hard at the backs of my legs from the first attacker, forcing me forward onto my knees. The bastard holding my right arm wrapped around me, keeping me immobile, tying my arms behind my back with great effort.

I struggled and writhed against the combined weight of the two hangers-on, utterly shocked at the familiar scent and shadows.

“What—” A gasp ripped through my throat when a third shadow emerged directly in front of me, from behind a narrow stalagmite.

“Well met, brother.”