Mostly fine.
A moment later, I recognized the truth.No, it’s for their own sakes.Theycan’t handle life withoutme.
“Where are you going?” I asked.
Magnus said, “To the elven portal site.”
I screeched to a halt, putting my hands on his chest to stop him. “Wait, what?! That’sdaysaway!”
“I’m aware.”
“You’ll die!”
“I won’t, love. I won’t be alone.” He glanced past me and continued walking.
I hurried to keep up. “You don’t sound too happy about that.”
Magnus shrugged. “I don’t trust anyone, silvermoon, other than the three people around me right now, and I suppose the man bitching and moaning on a gurney.”
I palmed my forehead, running a hand through my hair. “Fuck.”
“It’ll be fine. I promise.” Magnus gave me his best effort at a smile, but it was a pained one.
Clearly, he didn’t want to leave the warmth of the caves—the warmth ofme. Hel below, the man had just been inside me less than an hour ago.Who would want to leavethat, if given the choice?
Sadly, I knew Magnus Feldraug’s life wasnothis choice. I had no idea how he put up with it—getting led around by Kelvar the Whisperer over the past few weeks, and Tomekeeper Dahlia, Gothi Sigmund. We were all pushed around to some extent at Vikingrune Academy, yet Magnus seemed to get the worst of it.
It’s his blood,I told myself.That special essence inside him that everyone wants a piece of.
He hadn’t even told me what he was doing talking with Hersir Kelvar so often. He’d tell me if I asked, because he wouldn’t keep secrets from me, but I didn’t feel comfortable asking until he was ready to tell me.
I found myself at an impasse, in a bit of a conundrum.
My complaints stopped when we arrived at our destination.
Two Huscarls stood in front of a closed door, nestled deep into the cave structure around us. The ceiling was higher here, carved under the weighty structure of Gharvold Hall, the barracks, with pillars keeping the hall from falling through the ground into the tunnels.
I crossed my arms over my chest as I stepped in front of the wary guards. They wore helmets, wielded spears, and were tall and burly. Likely former students who stayed with Vikingrune after graduating, which meant they weren’t anyone I wanted to fuck with.
Then again, I’ve killed enough of their ilk already.
The Huscarls were the military arm of Gothi Sigmund. I trusted them as I trusted the chieftain. They did his bidding, unquestioned, and were the rivals of the Lepers Who Leapt.
Which meant they were my rivals as well. They just didn’t know it.
“I thought he wasn’t a prisoner,” I said to the head guard, popping my hip out and striking a stance.
The Huscarl frowned at me, tightening his hand on his spear when he saw Grim, Magnus, and Arne round the corner of the hall behind me. “Prisoner was in air-quotes,” he answered.
“Asshole,” I spat.
“What do you want, cadet?”
I jerked my chin forward. “To see him.” My voice turned sickly sweet. “Sir.”
The Huscarl rolled his eyes. He stepped aside from the door, making an exaggerated gesture with his hand to sweep me forward. “See? Not a prisoner.”
I hesitantly passed the two guards, opening the door.