“A Huscarl from Magnus’ contingent returned from the expedition. Wounded badly. He said—”
“That’s enough, iceshaper,” Kelvar warned.
Arne ignored him, swallowing hard. Tears welled in his eyes. “He said everyone else on the team had been killed.”
My world shattered. Numbness enveloped me completely, a daze so strong I couldn’t even understand the voices that rose around me.
I heard vague shouting from Sven: “You never told us that part, Whisperer!” Or maybe it was from Grim, growling, “What?!” All of it became a tumble of meaningless words and drivel as agony reared its ugly head deep in my soul.
“No . . .” I rasped. My eyes met Kelvar’s, blinking away tears, trying to be a fighter. “Tell me it’s a lie, Hersir!”
“Everyone calm their fucking emotions, before I weasel into your heads andforceyou to!” Kelvar roared, pumping his hands.
The room fell quiet, giving him the floor.
He threaded his fingers together as he adopted that aloof expression. “We don’t know the details. I won’t listen to rumors and hearsay, which is why I demanded to go on the mission and build this team.”
“Demanded towho?” Sven asked.
“Gothi Sigmund.”
The wolf’s head shot back. He pointed at Arne. “You were in the same room as those two? How?”
Arne made a face, staring down at the ground. “I, er, was trying to find a way to get on the surface so I could locate Magnus. I was using my sister and the Lepers to that end, because I also plan to . . . well, that’s not important now.”
“You’re correct, it is not important now,” Kelvar cut in. “Neither is your rivalry with your family pack, Torfen.Thisis the only objective that matters now.”
“Why?” I asked, blinking at him. When all eyes looked inquisitively at me, I expanded. “Why does it matter toyou, Whisperer? What is Magnus to you, if not an unwitting pawn for you and the academy’s schemes?”
Kelvar rolled his eyes. Shaking his head with a black glove to his face, like he couldn’t believe he was dealing with imbeciles, he said, “Because if the Huscarl scouting group was compromised or slain near the elven portal, that is a dangerous situation for the entire Isle. Because it means the Ljosalfar must have returned, with blood on their minds.” He snarled the last bit, then drilled his empty gaze into my soul. “Thatis why this mission is paramount, Ravinica.”
“Why us?” I was still not up to speed on the Whisperer’s motives. Everything he said made sense, but he was dancing around my question while also making a good point.
His skeletal face softened for a moment. He glanced away. When his eyes returned, they held the same hardness as before, yet there was something deeper there I couldn’t explain.
“Because, cadet, whether I like it or not, you four knew—youknowMagnus Feldraug better than anyone else. If anyone is going to help me find him and the others, it will be you.”
His words were heartfelt, if such a thing could be said about Kelvar the Whisperer.
I believed him.
And then he ruined it all by adding, “Plus, if youcan’thelp, then I can mindshape through your memories to provide us assistance. You might know things pertinent to the situation without even knowing you know them.”
Sven scoffed. Grim shook his head in disbelief. Only Arne still looked shaken.
“You’re openly telling us you’ll invade our minds?” I asked.
“I am,” Kelvar said with a challenging gaze. He put his hands on his hips. “Maybe you should learn how to stop me.”
I was forced to look away, feeling humiliated and more worried than ever. I tried not to think of Magnus and the horrible thing this surviving Huscarl had said. I didn’t want to know the details, but Ihadto know what happened.
Please, gods, answer my call and make him all right.
Kelvar said, “Don’t worry, I am tossing you a bone to make up for the invasion of privacy. You’ll be grateful for this next part.”
“Huh?” I sputtered, still lost in a haze.
“I was given a team of five to bring along, and you are four. We are going to a site ensconced in elven magic and enchantments.” Kelvar’s silvery eyes glinted in the darkness. “I’ll give you one guess who that means I want to bring along as the fifth member of our merry little band . . .”