Page 65 of Blood of Ancients

Damon Halldan was a swordfighter.

Not a very skilled one.

I clanked my baton against his clumsy strikes, pressed forward, and brought down the heat on his weapon. The fortified wood of my club overpowered his slower-swinging sword-arm. I knocked his blade aside three times in rapid succession.

With my teeth gritting, I slammed the baton into his arm and he dropped the blade with a wince and a cry.

I spit on his face, yelled out, “We’re not done,” and turned to leave—

Just as Talmond Bitchface finally got his act together and started Shaping a rune at me.

I was gone from the room a second later, turning the corner, leaving them stupefied and in shock.

I could hear Damon’s wailing voice as I made my exit down the hall, echoing against the tunnels.

“Gerty! Gerty! Oh gods, are you all right?!”

I stopped by Eir Wing on the way out, grabbed a hospital gown, and wrapped it around my naked body so I wouldn’t scare anyone with my swinging dick as I made my way through campus.

For good measure, I slapped a bandage around my wrist, torpedoing into one of the nurse’s rooms and scaring the shit out of her.

Dagny gave me a jaw-dropped look as I entered in my birthday suit. I said nothing to her before snatching the gown and leaving her to ogle my ass since the gown stayed open at that end.

I also wrote down something on a piece of paper I tore from a pad, and held onto it as I exited. I made my way through campus like a madman, hearing the voices of students murmur around me:

“Is he okay?”

“Why the hell is he in a hospital gown? Has he gone crazy?”

“I’d say. Look at that wild look in his eyes. I think the wolf’s lost it.”

“They all do, eventually.”

And so on.

I ignored everyone, bee-lining for my family’s den.

When I got there, I dropped the dragon-badge off at the entrance of the Torfen den, as well as the note I’d written in Eir Wing.

It was a simple threat. They would know who it came from once they learned what happened to the Lanfen siblings.

You’re next, traitors.

Chapter 18