Erik took the seat at Costain's right. "I decided to get out of town for a while. You got a problem with that?" He knew he had made a mistake as soon as the words were spoken. He was supposed to be keeping an eye on the West Coast. Hadn't he insisted on staying here? Of course, his only motive at the time had been to be near Daisy. He hadn't given a thought to Costain, or to trying to find out who had offered a reward for his head.

"I've got a problem, all right," Rhys said. "A mighty damn big one. It might have slipped your mind, but someone's out to get me, and they're not fooling around."

"Have you been attacked again?"

"No, but the word's spreading. LA is crawling with hunters." Rhys glanced around the club. "Next thing you know, they'll be coming in here."

"I doubt that," Erik said dryly. La Morte Rouge had more security than Fort Knox and the White House put together.

"So, where were you?" Costain asked. His voice was deceptively mild, at odds with the predatory gleam in his eyes.

Erik made a vague gesture with his hand. "I went East for a few days."


Erik hesitated. How much did Costain know? Had Villagrande called him? "Boston."

"Four vampires were killed there this afternoon," Rhys remarked, his voice still mild. "Did you have anything to do with that?"

"Why would I?"

"You tell me."

"I don't know anything about it."

"What do you know about the two hunters who tried to destroy Villagrande?"

Erik swore softly. Damn. He had been counting on Villagrande to keep his mouth shut. How much had he told Costain?

"I'm waiting," Rhys said, and now his voice was like ice.

"I know one of the hunters. He's the friend of a friend." No way would be mention Daisy, her brother or her father by name. "I knew he was in trouble and I asked Villagrande to spare his life, and he did. There's no more to it than that."

"Is that so?"

Erik nodded, every muscle tense. Those who underestimated Rhys Costain rarely lived long enough to regret it.

"And where is he now, this hunter?"

Erik shrugged. He couldn't reveal Alex's whereabouts without disclosing Daisy's, too.

"Mariah thinks you're the one who betrayed me," Rhys said thoughtfully. "Villagrande thinks I sent you East with an eye to challenging him for his territory. Perhaps you went East to challenge Villagrande yourself, or perhaps the two of you are conspiring against me. Is it mere coincidence that your name keeps coming up?"

"I've got no reason to want you dead," Erik replied. "I don't have two hundred grand to pay for your head. I don't want to take over your territory, or Villagrande's, for that matter. Perhaps you should look closer to home."

Costain's eyes narrowed. "Do you know something I should know?"

Erik shook his head. Why hadn't he stayed in Boston?

"You're keeping something from me," Rhys said, his voice sharp. "What is it?"

"Nothing you need to know."

"We've been friends a long time. I'd hate to see anything change that."

Erik took a deep breath. "Do you want me to leave the city and find a new lair?"

Rhys leaned forward, his eyes glowing red. "I want the truth."

"I've given it to you."

Rhys shook his head. "I don't think so."

Before Erik realized what Rhys had in mind, two mortals, obviously under some kind of thrall, came up behind Erik. One dropped a thick silver chain around his neck and jerked it tight while the second dropped a chain around Erik's chest, pinning his arms to his sides.

Erik hissed as the silver burned through his clothing and singed the skin beneath. Rendered powerless, he glared at Costain. "You're making a big mistake."

"We'll see. Take him downstairs."

"Dammit, Rhys..."

"Enough! Get him out of here!"

Erik cursed as the two mortals dragged him down a flight of stairs to Costain's personal dungeon. In years past, Rhys had kept mortals here that he intended to prey on at a later date.

The building that housed La Morte Rouge had once been a warehouse with a large basement. Before turning the upper floor into a nightclub for the Undead, Rhys had used the warehouse as a lair. He had turned the basement into a dungeon for his own amusement, complete with cells and chains and other ancient implements of torture.

Erik swore softly as he was dragged into the dark interior. The dungeon was cold and musty and smelled of death and old blood.

One of Costain's thralls opened the door to the nearest cell. The second thrall shoved Erik inside. They fastened silver shackles around his wrists and ankles, then attached the shackles to iron rings set in the wall. When that was done, they removed the chains from his neck and chest, and then the two mindless creatures shuffled out of the cell. After closing and locking the door, they left the dungeon.

Erik tugged on the heavy shackles, but the silver drained his vampiric strength. Weak and helpless, he sank down on the cold stone floor and wondered, morbidly, if Rhys intended to destroy him.

Chapter 28

The next four days were the worst of Daisy's life. She felt as if she were living a nightmare from which there was no escape. No matter how she tried to shake it off, she couldn't. Her brother was dead, and Erik was gone. She knew, in her heart, that his last good-bye had been final. She would never see him again. She didn't know which loss had left a bigger hole in her heart.

Life seemed suddenly unreal, as if she were standing in the background watching a movie that had nothing to do with her.

Her mother and Aunt Judy came home from New Zealand.

Friends and extended family were notified of Brandon's death.

They went to the mortuary to arrange for the funeral. They selected a casket. Arranged for flowers.

Worst of all was the evening when the O'Reilly family came by to express their condolences.

Daisy's mother and Mrs. O'Reilly clung to each other, both weeping softly.

Noah and Mr. O'Reilly eased their sorrow in a bottle of Irish whiskey.

Paula said very little, but Daisy could hardly blame her. Surprisingly, Alex planted himself by Paula's side and stayed there the whole night.

Later that evening, Daisy found herself alone with Paula's brother. Kevin O'Reilly was a tall, handsome young man, with dark red hair and deep brown eyes. Daisy liked him immediately. He had a winning smile and a quiet sense of humor that she found charming. If she hadn't already given her heart to Erik, she would have been happy to get to know Kevin better.