"He wasn't a man," Alex said curtly. "He was a vampire."

"Well, he was a man once," Daisy insisted. "If it wasn't for me, he'd still be alive or undead, or..." She threw up her hands. "The point is, I killed him."

"Listen, Daisy, vampires aren't human any longer. You know that. And you can't kill them. They're already dead, remember? The only reason they aren't fish-belly white and six feet under is because they exist on our blood."

"And I sell theirs!"

Sitting back in his chair, Alex crossed his arms over his chest. "All right, Daisy Mae, what's this all about?"

Daisy glared at him. Even though it was a long-standing joke between them, she hated it when he called her Daisy Mae. Usually, she reciprocated by calling him Little Abner, but this morning, she wasn't in the mood for levity.


She couldn't tell him the truth, of course; she couldn't tell her brother that it was her feelings for Erik that were making her doubt her chosen line of work.

"Does this have anything to do with that guy that was here last night? That artist?"

"Of course not." Using her fork, she pushed the eggs around on her plate, careful not to meet her brother's eyes. "Why would it?"

"I don't know." Alex leaned forward, his arms folded on the table, his brow furrowed. "You tell me."

"I'm not like you," Daisy said. "I can't kill someone, destroy someone, and tell myself it doesn't matter. Taking their blood..." She shrugged. "It seemed like a bizarre game at first, finding their lairs, sneaking in, stealing their blood, leaving without a trace. But now...now it just seems wrong."

"They kill us, Daisy," Alex said quietly. "They don't just take our blood. They take the lives of innocent men, women, and children. We aren't people to them, we're prey. They're all monsters, and the worst of them lives right here, in LA."

Daisy's heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean?" she asked, praying he wasn't talking about Erik.

"The Master of the City," Alex said. "Rhys Costain."

Relief washed over Daisy. "Is he the reason you're here?" she asked, careful to keep her voice and her expression impassive.

"No, I came because Mom and Dad were worried about you. It's just a coincidence that the vampire I'm hunting lives in the same city you do."

"Why are you hunting him? Don't tell me you've run out of vampires in Boston?"

"I wish," Alex said with a grin, and then he turned sober again. "A private citizen put a hefty price on Costain's head."

"You're kidding." She had never heard of anyone doing such a thing. "Who is it?"

"I don't have a clue. I don't care. They're offering two hundred grand for his head, he's supposed to be here, in the city, and that's all I need to know."

"Wow, someone must want him out of the way really bad to offer a reward like that. And you don't have any idea who it is?"

"Nope, but I'm the someone who's gonna take his head and collect the reward."

"Every hunter in the country is probably out looking for him," Daisy remarked. "What makes you think you'll find him?"

Sitting back, Alex puffed out his chest. "'Cause I'm the best of the best."

"And the most conceited," Daisy muttered, suddenly uncomfortable with the turn of the conversation. She came from a family of hunters. By all rights, she should tell Alex where to find Erik, because Erik could lead Alex to the Master of the City.

Instead, she changed the subject. "So, how's Brandon doing?"

"Same as always. He sends his love." Alex grinned. "I take it you haven't talked to him lately."

"No. I've been meaning to call, but..." But I was being held prisoner by a vampire, she thought, choking back a wave of hysterical laughter. "Why, has something happened to him?"

"You could say that. He's in love, but it's a secret."

"Brandon?" It was hard to think of her little brother taking an interest in girls. Brandon had always preferred pets to people and computers to conversation. When he wasn't hunting, he was usually online, lost in a world of his own.

"Yeah. Funny, isn't it? The geek found a gal."

"Where did he meet her? What's her name? Is it serious?"

"Pretty serious. He's been seeing Paula for over a month. Kevin introduced them..."

"My Kevin?" Daisy exclaimed. "I mean, the Kevin that Mom's been trying to set me up with?"

"The very same. Paula's his younger sister."

Oh, Lordy, Daisy thought. Her mother would be trying harder than ever to get her and Kevin together. She could just hear her mom now--Wouldn't it be nice if you and Kevin got married? Think how nice it would be if you moved back home. We could have Thanksgiving and Christmas with the O'Reillys....

Daisy shook her head. Sorry, Mom, she thought, but it's never going to happen.

"Well," Alex said, slapping his palms on the table, "I've got work to do." Rising, he gave her shoulder a gentle shake. "Since I fixed breakfast, dinner's on you."

"Where are you going?"

"Where do you think?" he asked with a wink.

"Be careful."

"Always. You don't have any idea where I should start looking, do you?"

"No, I'm afraid not." She felt like a traitor for not telling her brother about Erik. Alex was family, after all, but how could she betray Erik?

"Okay," Alex said cheerfully. "I'll see you tonight. Steak sounds good for chow. Don't forget to call Mom and Dad."


"Oh, hey, do you have an extra can of Scent-B-Gone? I didn't bring any with me."

Daisy shook her head. "Always careful," she muttered. "There's a can in the closet by the front door. Top shelf."

"Thanks. I won't be late."

Daisy stared after her brother. Brandon was dating Kevin's sister. Alex was hunting Rhys. She had late Internet orders to fill, a ton of dirty dishes to wash, a house to clean, clothes to launder, and groceries to buy, but all she could do was sit there and think about Erik and her brother, and what would happen if Alex discovered Erik's true nature. She offered a fervent prayer, hoping that would never happen, certain if it did, only one of them would survive.

Daisy found herself watching the clock all day long, her concern growing with each passing hour. Alex was always uppermost in her thoughts. Had he found Rhys? Was Erik safe? Would she ever see him again?