Page 72 of Devil's Thirst

I grimace, leaning my elbows on my knees. “First one I’ve seen was last night. She’s never said anything, but I get the sense it’s not the first.”

He leans back in his chair with a sigh. “Girl’s been through a lot. I can only imagine the emotional scars she’d have after her mother’s betrayal, then being kidnapped on top of it and ending up with amnesia? It’s no wonder her past doesn’t haunt her more. I’d be a paranoid mess. Poor thing probably never feels safe.”

“Fuck, I didn’t even think about her being kidnapped.” I stiffen, a new horrifying realization hitting me. “Someone fucking touch her when she was kidnapped?” I hadn’t heard about anything, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Oran shakes his head. “She was taken to the hospital after being drugged, and they did a full screening. She didn’t show signs of assault. Lina made sure to ask the doctors so we’d know what we were dealing with.”

The vise around my rib cage eases. “Well, that’s something,” I say under my breath.

“Look, she’s been through more than her fair share of shit. Be patient with her.”

Fuck, he’s right.

I’ve been a dick pushing her to unload all that trauma so quickly. I merely wanted to keep her safe. I might have lost track of the fact that keeping her safe and making herfeelsafe are two different things.

An idea hits me. “You think you can drive? I have a few calls I need to make.”

“Not a problem. Let’s get this show on the road.”



Sante’s mooddid a one-eighty by the time he picked me up from practice yesterday. He hardly spoke more than a few words in the morning but was buzzing with energy by evening. I asked him the reason, and he said it was a surprise. We had such a nice evening that I decided to make breakfast when I got up this morning. With him in the apartment, I actually had enough fixings to make eggs and pancakes. I’m bad about groceries, but he’s kept the place stocked.

“That smells delicious.” Sante emerges from the bedroom, his voice still heavy with sleep. He’s put on joggers, but that’s it. His divinely sculpted arms and chest are on full display.

I stare at the sinewy movements of his muscles as he runs a hand through his unruly hair. “Mmm … delicious,” I agree in a daze.

He prowls closer. His lopsided grin does incredible things to my girl bits. And when his body aligns with mine, his lips trailing kisses from my ear down to my collarbone, I forget to breathe.

“I was talking about the pancakes,” he murmurs against my skin.

The reminder jars me back to reality. “Oh! Crap, let me flip them.” I spin around and save the batch just in time.

Sante stays at my back, his hands resting possessively on my hips. “Glad you’re up and going. We’ve got somewhere to be this morning, and it’ll take an hour and a half to get there.”

“Oh yeah?” I ask, intrigued. “This my surprise?”

“Yup.” He pats my ass, then gets himself a plate. “Should be a good distraction from nerves about tomorrow.”

“That works. I’m glad we get a day to rest before the big night, but man, that anticipation is a killer.” I glance at him while he scoops a helping of scrambled eggs onto his plate. “You gonna give me a hint about where we’re going?”

“Sure, we’re going to Poughkeepsie.”

“Okayyy, how about a hint as to why?” I deposit the two pancakes from the skillet onto his plate.

“Not a chance.” The man flashes a grin and winks, and I can’t even be mad because it’s the sexiest, most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.

“You’re lucky I’m in a good mood,” I tease, pouring a couple of pancakes for myself.

“Or what? You gonna use that spatula to torture answers from me?”

I shoot a glare at him. “Never underestimate what a woman can do with a good spatula.”

Sante’s eyes lock with mine, and without a word, I know we’re both thinking back to the wooden spoon. A lupine grin spreads across his face while heat blazes across mine. I whirl back around to check my pancakes. Can’t burn the pancakes.

Pancakes, Mel. Focus on pancakes.