“Purses can be left behind. The bracelet is a much safer bet.”
“Is that … were you already tracking me?” I gape at him incredulously.
“You told me you were fine with it.”
“Startingnow. I didn’t know you were already tracking me.”
“Why would yesterday be any different from today?” he asks as though he genuinely sees no difference.
“It’s different because I’ve only known you for a week. Each day makes a big difference. I’m allowed to be a little freaked out.” I thought I was being incredibly understanding, but he’s even pushing my limits.
His eyes narrow a fraction. “Not gonna apologize for keeping you safe.”
“Locking me in a tower would keep me safe, but it would also make you the villain,” I say with exasperation.
Isaac stares at me intently, his hand lifting to trace warm knuckles along my jaw in a featherlight touch. “This feel like something a villain would do?”
“No.” I have to swallow before I can get the word out. “But it sounds like something a villain would say.”
The corners of his lips twitch. “You’re learning.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means plenty of people would label me their enemy, but you’ll never be one of them.” Something so archaic and absolute flashes in his eyes that the air leaves my lungs in a whoosh. He carries on, however, as if some sort of wordless blood oath didn’t just pass between us. “That cop of yours—why was he asking about your family?”
“What? Oh … just general questions.” I’m going to end up with whiplash if he keeps changing subjects like he does. He’s got me more off-balance than I was when I got my first pair of pointe shoes.
“You said your family was part of this secret society. I gather from what you’ve learned that you’re worried the group has ties to the police. Is there any chance this guy could be one of them?” Suddenly, we’re venturing into deep waters. I need to steer us back to dry land.
“No.” I shake my head adamantly. “And besides, that’s not the family he was asking about.”
“Who was he asking about?”
I realize my mistake too late. “Please, don’t worry about it. You want me to trust you—” I hold up my wrist to show him the bracelet. “I have. I’m wearing your tracker, aren’t I? The least you can do is trust me in return. I’m telling you to leave it alone.” Our locked stares go to battle.
“Fuck, you’re stubborn,” he grumbles.
“Like looking in a mirror, isn’t it?”
He shakes his head as though exasperated, but I can see the humor glinting in his eyes. Seeing his amusement makes me feel like I can fly. Like a wall of stormy clouds has parted so that sunshine can paint a miraculous rainbow across the sky.
I never knew it was possible for two people to affect one another on such a molecular level. I’ve dated before. Nothing overly serious, but I’ve yet to reach leper status. This thing between me and Isaac is different. It has a life of its own.
I suppose that’s why I don’t fault him for moving so quickly. I feel the pull as strongly as he does. It’s a raging river sweeping us along in its powerful current. I want to believe it will lead us to tropical new shores more beautiful than I can imagine, but it’s equally as likely to drown us both in its treacherous depths. One thing’s for certain—there’s no going back.
“You haveplans for Mother’s Day?” The female voice penetrates the thick velvet curtain beside me. I’ve decided to stretch before heading home, so I’m sitting out of sight to be out of the way. Practice is essentially over for me since I’m not in the scene they’re working on, but I’m in no particular rush to get home and deal with my Isaac situation.
“Just going to relax,” another voice responds. “My parents are in Seattle, so we’ll have to settle for a video chat. What about you?”
“Mom’s coming in from Providence. We’re gonna do brunch. It’ll be good, but a day on the sofa would have been divine.”
“Same. I don’t know how Amelie does it. That girl is up here practicingallthe time.”
I was only half listening at first. Now, the two women have my full attention.