Page 102 of Devil's Thirst

Lina’s eyes round. “Here? Now? You guys want me to—” She looks over at where the guys are gathered around the kitchen island drinking beer. “You want me to pee on a stick rightnow?” she whisper-yells.

“Might as well, Lina Bean,” I tell her. “You’ll find out one way or another.”

She slumps in her seat. “I know, but I’m not sure I’m ready. I suppose that’s why I’ve ignored the signs. It could be something else, after all. Like an iron deficiency.” Her gaze searches for someone willing to support her, but our group is full of empathy instead.

“Oh, honey. We’ve got you,” Stormy says in her warm Southern drawl. “Babies are never easy, but that’s why we have one another.”

Noemi strides back to the group and slips Lina a box of pregnancy tests. Apparently, we’re keeping this a secret from the guys. I’m not sure why, but that’s fine so long as I’m in on the surprise.

Lina sighs heavily, then heads to the bathroom. When I glance at the kitchen, Sante is watching. He’s always watching. His eyes shift toward the bathroom briefly as if askingwhat’s up with your sister? My eyes round innocently, and I give awhatever-do-you-meanshrug. He gives an almost imperceptible shake of his head, his tiny smirk sayingthis should be good.

Lina’s not gone a full two minutes when she returns in a zombified state. “It can’t be,” she murmurs.

All of us ladies gasp and squeal. It’s enough to finally draw the guys’ attention.

“What’s all the fuss about?” Bishop asks with a wide grin. He’s the most outgoing of the group and always up for a laugh.

When none of us say anything and instead, look wide-eyed at one another, the guys migrate closer.

“This can’t be good,” Conner deadpans. “What are you up to?”

“Surprise,” Lina says, holding up the pregnancy test with a mystified half smile.

The entire room turns to Oran. He blinks twice before an enormous grin splits his face.

“Hell, yeah! We’re having a baby!” His excited cheer sends the entire room into celebration mode. Hugs and congratulations and laughter fill the huge great room, even drawing the attention of the little ones who tug on legs to find out what’s happening.

“We’re having a baby!” Oran says to Violet, giving her a big kiss on the cheek.

“We’re having a baby!” someone else cries.

“Yeah! We’re having a baby,” another chimes in.

“No! I mean it, we’rehaving a baby,” Pippa says in an increasingly panicked voice. “Twoof them.”

Everyone goes silent and looks at the very pregnant Pip, who is now holding her crotch.

“Seriously, my water just broke. Someone get me a freaking towel and take me to the hospital!” she cries.

The ladies launch into action while the guys stare, dumbfounded.

I migrate to Sante’s side and watch in fascination. “I didnotsee that coming.”

“Looks like none of them did. When’s she due?”

“Not for three weeks, but the doctors said the twins could come at any time and should be fine. Guess they cook faster or something. I don’t know much about that stuff.”

“One of these days…” he muses.

“We talked about this. Not for several more years, right?” I ask pointedly.

He turns big brown puppy-dog eyes to me and smirks. “Yeah, baby. Doesn’t mean I’m not excited. Seein’ my baby grow inside you is gonna be the greatest feeling in the world.”

I shake my head with a smile. He’s incorrigible but in the very best way.

A wave of people congregate toward the door while Lina and Oran join us on the sidelines.

“They all headed to the hospital?” I ask Lina.