Tommy steps forward and pulls the rings from his breast pocket. I’m so out of sorts that I almost take my own ring.
Oran nods and peeks at his phone. “Sante, we’ll start with you. As you place this ring on Amelie’s finger, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed—”
“With this ring, I thee wed—”
“And pledge you my love, now and forever.”
I repeat the words and slide the wedding band onto my bride’s slender finger. She grins ear to ear as she holds my wedding band and repeats the same pledge to me. When that ring slides onto my finger, something ancient from deep inside me roars with satisfaction.
“By the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Anticipating his words, I’ve already pulled her close and am pressing my lips to hers when he announces the kiss. Our family cheer and holler, surrounding us in love and encouragement—the perfect way to start this next portion of our journey together.
TheMoulin Rougeproduction has been running for a month now with nothing but rave reviews. It’s become a pivotal turning point in my dance career, and I’m so incredibly grateful. I’m amazed at how much has changed for me in such a short time. How muchI’vechanged.
I feel like I’m finally figuring out who I am beneath all the trauma of my circumstances. I’m learning who I am when fear isn’t an influencing factor and finding that this new version of myself is pretty dang awesome.
Buzz about my showstopping announcement faded relatively quickly, though Talbot wasn’t so lucky where his legal problems were concerned. The feds did find damning evidence of child pornography on his computer, and once my complaint became public knowledge, a whole slew of other allegations followed, from assault to bribery to racketeering. The judge even denied bail because of the risk he posed to witnesses.
No more Fourth of July barbecues for him.
On the other hand, I’m surrounded by family and stuffed to the gills with delicious food. Conner and Noemi are hosting at their place. Most everyone here is a Byrne, and while Sante and I don’t carry that name, I know they’re still our family. This is thefirst weekend I’ve had off in three months, and there’s no one else I’d rather spend it with.
“Watching the kids play together is adorable.” I’m sitting on the sofa with the other ladies while the kids run from room to room, causing chaos. “Stormy’s little girl Mae, River, and Violet are seriously already forming a girl gang. Add Pippa’s twins to that in a few years, and those cousins are gonna be an epic force.”
“Hopefully, this little guy can help Kellen, Roman, and Ryder keep them out of trouble,” Stormy pats her round belly. She’s only about three months along but has a sizable bump since it’s her third.
“Eh, the girls outnumber the boys, as it stands. My money’s on a Byrne Queendom down the road.” I grin triumphantly.
“I’m so not ready,” Lina mutters, her hand on her forehead.
“No need to get too worked up yet,” I assure her. “You look like you’re going to pass out.”
“It’s not that. I’ve had horrible heartburn lately, and the smell of those pickles has been bothering me since we ate.”
Every one of us gapes at her with wide eyes.
“Lina?” I say gently. “Did you ever by chance make that doctor visit we talked about?”
Her eyes snap to mine, then do a sweep of the other ladies. “There was no reason. I’ve been fine, really. Just a little tired.”
“And sensitive to smells?” notes Stormy.
“Chronic heartburn?” adds Noemi.
“When’s the last time you had your period?” I ask.
Her brows knit together. “I had it last month. I mean … it was light. The last two have been … really light,” she says slowly.
“Oh shit. Here we go again,” Pippa chimes in.
I wasn’t around, but I heard about the dinner party a few years back when Stormy and Noemibothdiscovered they were pregnant. The story is a family favorite.
“I have tests in the cabinet from the boys’ pregnancy.” Noemi jumps up and disappears down a hallway.