As he told me, he has to show his ID before he orders, but he’s happy to do so. He chooses a porn star martini, while I order a beer.

He crinkles his nose. “Eww, how can you drink that?”

“There are not many things better than a cold beer after a hard day at work. You’re not a fan of it?”

“No, not really. I don’t like the smell or the taste. I like wine, mainly white, but some red. I don’t drink often, but every now and then, I go out with a great group of friends. We always have a good time, but my boozy days are over. It’s okay to be hungover at college, but not when you’re working. Plus, I’ve got Mum to look after. That stopped a lot of my crazy antics.”

I can’t imagine him being crazy. He’s so well put together. “If you’ve got a crazy streak, why were you so shy with me? You could hardly look at me when I asked you out.”

He lets out a cute laugh, and a gorgeous blush spreads over his cheeks. “Have you seen yourself? I couldn’t believe youwere interested in me. And another thing, how did you know I was gay?”

I laugh. “Like you just said, have you seen yourself? Noah, I couldn’t keep my eyes off you. I still can’t. As for being gay, sweetheart, you couldn’t be anything else, and that makes me a very lucky man.”

Dinner is going well; the food is as good as always. Noah is eating heartily. He isn’t like some of the silly twinks who pretend to be coy or fussy about what he will or won’t eat. It’s a pleasure to watch him as he laughs and shares stories about his job, family, and friends.

“Why are you still single?” He sips the wine he ordered with dinner.

Dare I tell him that after tonight, I hope I won’t be any longer? The story of my past is a long and not particularly happy one. After losing the man I thought I’d spend my life with to someone with an apparently more ‘acceptable’ career. Being in construction wasn’t glamorous enough for him. He wanted to be on the arm of someone more sophisticated, more refined. He liked the money I made and had no problem spending it, but he hated the muddy boots and dirty clothes I came home in. He found what he wanted in a doctor. A plastic surgeon, no less.

I give Noah the short, watered-down version. “I had a relationship with someone that ended a couple of years ago. I haven’t found anyone I wanted to spend time with, let alone share my life with. Until you.”

Noah’s eyes go wide, and a shy smile creeps onto his lips. “Really, me? Oh wow.”

“Is that a good ‘oh wow’ or a ‘how do I get out of this quickly kind of wow’?” I think I know the answer, but I’d like to hear it from him.

“It’s a very good ‘oh wow’. I like you, Everett, and I’d like to get to know you better.”

I check the time. It’s not too late. Plenty of time to go somewhere else, and I know the exact place. “It’s early. Would you like to come to a bar with me, or do you have to be home? I’m not ready to say goodnight to you yet.”

“Yes, I’d like that.”

I ask a passing waiter for the bill. To my horror, Noah gets his wallet out. “What are you doing?”

He startles. “Um, I was going to pay my half. That’s what usually happens on a first date.”

I put my hand over his. “Please, Noah. Let me pay. I did ask you after all.”

He scowls, but instead of intimidating, he looks like an angry kitten. It’s cute as hell. “Fine, I’ll pay next time.”

“If that’s what you want.” As if I’d ever let him pay. I want to spoil him every chance I get. He deserves someone to take care of him after everything he does for his mum.

The way he beams at me proves I’ve said the right thing. “Thank you. It may not be here, though. It’s a bit expensive on my salary.” He laughs and takes my hand as we weave through the tables to the exit.

Even though it’s dark, it’s still warm enough not to need jackets. I’m itching to put my arm over his shoulder and pull him close, but I’m afraid that may be a little too soon. We meander through the streets to BAR 28. To my surprise, Noah greets the doorman by his first name and gets the same in return.

“Do you come here a lot?” I ask as we go inside.

“Yes, I’m friends with some of the guys who work here. I’ve even helped a few times when they’ve needed extra servers. I used to live near Leo.”

That’s interesting. He lives back at home now. How long has he been back there? When we reach the bar, Noah releases my hand, stands on the brass foot rail, and leans over to hug the men making the cocktails.

They whisper something I can’t hear. The blond bartender grins at me and says something else that makes them both laugh. Blushing, Noah takes my hand and leads me to a corner table. “That’s Leo. He’s going to bring our drinks over.”

“You said you used to live near him, but I thought you lived at home.”

“I do. I moved back last year when Mum got sick. She’s not happy about me giving up my freedom, but she’s my mum. What else could I do?”

“You’re an amazing man, Noah.” I lean forward and, taking a risk, press my mouth on his. Noah’s lips vibrate as he hums against mine. The sound and feeling go straight to my dick. I want to grab him and drag him home and into my bed. If he’s this reactive to a simple kiss, what’s he going to be like when I strip him bare and cover every inch of his body with my mouth?