So here I am, faced with shelves of different colours and scents of everything to do with having a bath. There are foaming gels, bath bombs—whatever they are—scented candles, and a ton of other shit I have no clue about.
Someone approaches me, and a soft voice asks, “Can I help you, sir?” My mouth goes desert dry, and a lump the size of a golf ball lodges in my throat. The slender man next to me is beyond beautiful. His eyes are a sparkling silver grey, and his hair hangs in soft waves to his shoulders, framing his face perfectly. “I’m sorry, but you looked a little lost.” His pale pink tongue flicks out and dampens his full, pouty bottom lip, and for a split second, I wanted to plant my mouth on his and bite down on that lip.
“I, um, yes. Yes, you can. In fact, please take over my task of buying gifts for two of my work colleagues. Shopping for women isn’t something I’ve done before.”
“Really? Not even for your mother?”
I’m not going into the whole mother abandonment story over some peach and guava body lotion, so I shake my head.“No, sorry. Not for a long time. What do you recommend? I was informed that they like this kind of stuff and scarves.”
The giggle the young beauty lets out has my dick throbbing in my jeans. “Yes, I’m sure they do. How well do you know them?”
“I don’t really. I’m not in the office very much. Could you put something together for each of them, around the fifty-pound mark?”
His eyes light up, and he asks a few more questions about their ages and hair colour. Things I’ve never thought would matter, and in a few minutes, he has a basket full of items, which he takes to the cash desk. He pulls out coloured tissue paper and clear cellophane, and in no time at all, he produces two perfectly wrapped gifts.
“Is this okay?” he asks.
“Okay? These are incredible. Thank you so much…” I raise an eyebrow.
“Noah, sir.” His cheeks flush a delightful pale pink.
“Noah, I’m Everett. You’ve been a lifesaver.” I wait for the total to come up on the cash register, then pay with my card. As he hands me the receipt, an idea pops into my head, one I’m not sure is appropriate or even welcome, but I’m going to try it. “Would you care to have a drink with me or maybe dinner?”
Two other shop assistants are watching us, smiling broadly and nodding as if to encourage Noah to accept my invitation. “Um, you don’t have to do that, sir. I’m just doing my job.”
“That’s not the reason I’m asking you, Noah. What do you say?”
He shoves his hands into his pockets and lowers his gaze.
“That’s okay, Noah. I’m sorry if I’ve embarrassed you. Thank you for your help.” I gather up the bag with the gifts and, with a nod, turn from the cash desk. The girls, who looked very keen on the idea, whisper loudly. Will any of them call out to me? I’m almost at the large doors when a hand touches my arm.
“Can I say yes?” Noah asks.
“Are you saying yes?”
“I am. If that’s okay?”
“It’s more than okay. When’s a good time? Tonight?” I don’t want to give him too much time to think it over and reconsider. I haven’t been attracted to anyone as much as this boy in a long time.
“Yes, I can do that.” He rocks back on his heels. “Where would you like to meet?”
“Shall we meet back here at, say, seven thirty? I can make a reservation for dinner. What would you like to eat?” There are plenty of restaurants in the town, all within walking distance. “How about the rooftop garden? Have you been there?”
He shakes his head. “No, but I’ve heard it’s really good.”
“That’s settled, then. I’ll see you later, Noah.”
His blush is back, and boy, do I want to see how far that spreads over his body. A squeal of excitement comes from behind me, but I don’t look back. As I stroll back to work, I call the restaurant and make a booking, requesting the open-air seating. It would be a shame to dine indoors on this lovely summer’s day.
The construction business I started with Phil twenty years ago has spread and grown into much more than we had ever imagined. Phil now runs all the offices, and I’m a site controller. I spend most of my days in work gear. He told me a million times that I don’t need to get my hands dirty, but I liketo build and be a part of how we started. Today is my office day, which is why I was tasked with collecting gifts.
When I enter, Phil glances up. “You took your time.”
“You’re looking at the man who not only got the best gifts ever but also a date with the cutest guy ever.” I’m grinning like the bloody Cheshire Cat and don’t care. Noah is everything I like in a man: tall, lithe, slight enough to pick up and play with. Plus, his eyes sparkle like a crisp winter sky, and his smile lights up the room.
I place the gifts on the desk, and the look on my brother’s face is priceless. “Bloody hell! How did you manage that?”
“It’s not what you know. It’s who you know.”.