My mother turns to me. “You’re always meeting someone, Spence.”

“Well, this time it’s serious, and I thought you’d like meet him sometime soon.” I put my knife and fork down. My mum and sisters squeal and clap.

My dad covers his ears and shushes them. “Good grief, you women need to hush. Is this the guy from the other week?”

“Yeah, we had a stumble for a little while, but we got over it, and now it’s good. Really good.”

“What’s his name? Do we know him?” My mum beams at me, happiness shining in her eyes.

“I don’t know if you know him. Do you remember Nate Simpson? I was a friend of his when I was about fourteen.”

“I do, and he’s a lovely man. Quite well off, I think. How did you meet again? Oh, Spencer, this is lovely news.”

I shake my head and hold back my smile. “It’s not Nate, Mum. It’s his dad, Carl.”

The table is quiet, but then my sisters erupt in giggles. Beth turns to her husband. “You owe me twenty quid. I told you Spencer liked older men.”

Roger grumbles, pulls out his wallet, and gives Beth a twenty-pound note. My mum is still working out how I can date Nate’s Dad. “But you can’t be. He’s married and to a woman. Nate’s mum.”

“No,” my dad says. “They got divorced. The rumors said it was because he was gay.” He points his fork at me. “Good for you, Spence. I look forward to meeting him.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

Lauren smirks. “I bet you call him Daddy in bed.”

The table is back to its usual high level of decibels, and Lauren tries to explain to her husband, Darren, and Roger what a Daddy is. Mum pats my hand and tells me to ignore my sisters. My dad gives me a wink. “Call him whatever you want, Spencer.”

My cheeks heat. I’m sure they are bright red.

I send Carl a message to ask him to pick me up, and then I finish my dinner.

We’re all in the back garden when the deep growl of his Porsche rumbles closer and then stops. I dart out to the front to meet him. His smile could light up the city. He bends his head and kisses me.

“Are you sure you want to do this? My sisters don’t have a filter and say whatever comes into their heads.”

“I’m sure, little one.” He takes my hand.

“Please don’t call me that in front of them. If they hear you, they’ll all be calling me by that name.”

I lead him up the side of the house and into the back garden. My sisters’ jaws drop, and I’m pretty sure Lauren mouthes “total Daddy” to Beth. I’m going to kill her. Other than that, Carl meeting my family goes well. Darren immediately asks him about cars, and then they’re all out front, looking at his car.

Beth links arms with me. “He’s lovely, Spencer. And look at him. He can’t take his eyes off you.”

Sure enough. He’s talking about the car but gives me a wink. Beth swoons a little. “Please tell me you call him Daddy because damn, Spencer, I would.”

“I’m not telling you. I’m allowed some secrets.”

“I’ll take that as a yes, but I’ll keep that secret for you.” She hugs me a little tighter, then lets me go. “I think you need to go before he’s taking them all for a drive.”

“I’ll see you next week. Have a good one, Sis.” I step between Darren and Roger, and if I give them a non-too-subtle poke in the ribs, that’s what they deserved for hoggingmy boyfriend. Carl drapes his arm over my shoulder in casual ownership, and I lean into him. “Ready to go?”

Carl nods and says goodbye to my dumbstruck, adoring family while they ignore me. “Yeah, bye, Mum. Bye, Dad.” I shake my head, but inside, I’m doing a happy dance.

After only fifty metres down the road, we both burst out laughing. “I can categorically say you were a success. In fact, I think they like you more than me.”

“Oh, baby, that’s not true. It’s because they love you that they like me.” He squeezes my thigh, sending the usual tingles through my body. And of course he notices. “Always so responsive.” His hand creeps higher.

“Daddy,” I whine and clamp his hand in place.