“We don’t know each other, but can you trust me, little one?”

I eye him cautiously. Where’s he going with this? “I guess so. Why?”

“I live a couple of streets away from here. Will you come with me?”

“Hell, yeah! Lead the way, Daddy.” Doesn’t he understand Grindr or hook-ups at all? I’ve been to strangers’ homes a ton of times, but I get the feeling he won’t like to know that.

“I’d like you to message one of your friends and give them my address.”

“You’re kidding me, right? Why would I do that?”

“It’s a good idea to let someone know where you are. Isn’t that something you usually do?” He frowns, and even that looks fucking sexy.

“Um, no. I’m an adult and can make my own decisions.” By the look on his face, he’s serious, and his request can be a deal-breaker. I pull my phone out of my pocket and swipe it open.

“Good boy. I’m happy to see you can follow my instructions. There’s a reward in it for you as soon as we get out of here.”

“Thank you, Daddy.” I type his address and an explanation to my best friend, James, and pocket my phone.

“Where were we? Oh, yes.” I lean forward and slick my tongue over the seam of his lips. He lets me in immediately, and the tongue-twisting goes on for a few more happy minutes. With a heavy sigh, Carl pulls back and rests his forehead against mine.

“Let’s go,” Carl says, and I shimmy off him and out of the booth.

As soon as we leave the club, I grab his hand and spin him to face me. “Last chance, little one. Are you sure?”

He rolls his eyes and nods. “Take me to your place, Daddy. I want my reward.”

Pride revellers still fill the streets, enticed by the warm June evening. The air is full of laughter, music, and happiness. I love it here. Here I can be who I am—out and proud.

My marriage ended terribly six years ago. After eighteen years, I could no longer hide who I was and what I wanted, and I confessed to my wife. Clare didn’t take it well, to say the least. She fleeced me of a lot of money, but even worse, she turned our children against me. Of course she denied it, but I knew. But as they became adults, they made up their own minds and started talking to me again. We see each other as often as our busy lives allow. Nate has recently finished uni and is job hunting. When he needs some cash, he works with me a couple of days a week. Charlotte is in her second year at Sheffield.

We turn the corner into my street. “You live here?” Spencer stops before a modern ten-storey building.

“I do. Is that a problem?” I can’t think of anything he could find wrong.

“Hell, no, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to live here. I sure could never afford it.” A deep frown mars his forehead.

“Well, now’s the time to find out. I’ve lived here since it was completed. I love that it’s close to the shops and pubs, and the view is spectacular.” We walk to the entrance, and I press my card to the security lock, which beeps once, and I pull the door open.

Spencer gazes around the bright foyer, his eyes wide. How old is he? Around twenty-two, twenty-three? I’ve battled with myself over not only my sexuality but also my desire for younger men. Men I can look after, care for, and fuck. Since I came out, I haven’t been promiscuous, but after I found my niche in Daddy kink, I know what I’m looking for in a partner. And I have high hopes Spencer will meet all my criteria. Not many men I like want the same things as I do. Is Spencer going to be another man who’ll walk out tomorrow and I’ll never see again? Do I want him to hang around, to do more? I’ll find out soon enough.

The lift chimes, and the door swishes open. I allow him to enter first and press the button for my floor. When the door closes, I yank him to me and kiss him while I walk him backwards to the back wall. I can’t wait to do more, but the lift isn’t the place to strip him out of his clothes, as little as there are of them. But I want to feel more of his skin, and I push my hands under his tight top and stroke his back.

The lift dings, and the door slides open again.

Spencer tears his mouth away. “Fucking hell, you’re a great kisser.”

“Thank you. So are you.” I guide him to my flat on the top floor. In fact, my flat is the top floor.

“What do you do for a living? Sheesh, Carl, this is the entire top floor.”

“I have a couple of car dealerships here and in Leeds.” I unlock the door and let him walk through first.

He stops in the middle of the room and slowly spins around, taking it all in. He whistles. “Nice place.”

But he doesn’t look overly impressed. If anything, he seems to genuinely like it, as if he’s comfortable being here. And I don’t mind that one bit. And isn’t that a strange thought? We both want a night of fun, which will be a guarantee, but he looks like he belongs in my place. “Spencer, can I get you a drink? Beer or a spirit? What would you like?”

“Um, nothing, thanks. I’m good.” His mouth turns up in a half smile that makes a dimple pop out. “Or I will be when we go back to kissing, but this time I want to strip off our clothes.”