“Rubbish, that was just high spirits. He never meant it.”


“Yes, I’ve already accepted for you.” There’s no way of dealing with her, so I nod. I won’t be going, and I’m sure as hell not going to take Ollie to that viper’s nest.

“Blinkhorn!” She bursts out. “You are the image of your father, well, what he was like when he was young. I’m right, aren’t I?”

“No, I’m sorry, but you’re mistaken,” Ollie says firmly.

“Hmm.” She taps her finger against her mouth, then does something that almost knocks me on my arse. “Good for you, Ollie. I would’ve denied him too. The man is vile. I’ve never liked him. A bully and a thug.”

She pats Ollie’s cheek tenderly. “Don’t let this one go,” she says to me. After air-kissing my cheek, she swans out, leaving us open-mouthed.

“Are you okay?” I pull Ollie to the sofa and sit down. “How would she know your father? No, don’t answer that. Because she knows everyone.”

“She’s right, though. I do look like him. And she’s also right that he’s a thug and a bully. And he detests me, but you knew that already. Can we change the subject, please?”

I throw my leg over his and straddle him. “How about we get back to where we were?” I kiss him and unbutton his shirt. I get halfway down when the front door bangs open.

“Put him down, Kit. I don’t want to see any bare arses,” Adam shouts.

“You’d better hide, you fucker. You let my mother in.”

“There was no way I was saying no to her. She’d probably turned me into a toad. And you hate toads. They freak you out, so I would’ve ended up being flushed down the toilet. That’s no way to die.”

Ollie is biting his lip, holding back his laugh. “We have our clothes on. You can come in,” I call out. “We can go to my room.” I climb off Ollie’s lap. “Come on.”

Finally, we’re behind my locked bedroom door and naked. Ollie is on his knees, his head in my pillow as I take my time breaking him into pieces.

“God, you taste good.” I groan. He sways his hips, moaning. I’ve been torturing him for so long now the sheet beneath us is soaked with his pre-cum. I want to make him come on my tongue, but not today. My dick is as hard as Ollie’s. “Ready for my cock, baby?”

He looks over his shoulder, his eyes glazed and black at night. “If you don’t fuck me right now, we’re over.”

“We’re never going to be over, baby. But your wish is my command.” He’s loose enough, and after rolling the condom down my length and lubing up, I press inside him. I can’t believe it’s only been a few days since we made it real. I already know his body so well, and as I’m buried deep, I can tell how close he is. But I am right there with him.

When we lie together, Ollie is quiet, so quiet. Worry lines form deep creases across his forehead. Is something wrong? Has my mother knowing his father upset him? Brought back memories he had planned on never revisiting? Caused him to rethink us, in case it brought him back in the crosshairs of his father. Hell, it could be any reason.

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on? Because my mind is running through every reason you could have to break up with me.” I lie on my back, too scared to look at him, but the pillow shifts, and he faces me.

“I’m in love with you.”

Smiling, I turn onto my side. “You are?”

“I am.”

“Good. I love you too.”

We walk into the pub together, looking around for Jack or Adam. One of them is usually here before us. Kit points to a table at the left. “Jack’s over there, and it looks like he’s already been cornered.”

“Oh god, he’ll never forgive me.” I groan. Fucking Monty Atkinson sits at the table.

“Tell me why we’re here, or more importantly, why we’re meeting that arsehole. Better still, wait until I’ve got a drink” He kisses my cheek and wanders to the bar.

“Monty, how are you? It’s been a while.” After the night of the school ball, Monty has ignored me. I heard that he was devastated by my speech and the realisation that he was a bully. He’d even resigned from the school board.

“Ollie. Yes, it has. You look good. I’ve followed your foundation’s success. Well done.” Gone is the braying and pompousness.

“Thank you. It’s been hard work but worth it.” I nod as Kit places our drinks on the table and sits next to Jack. “What did you want to talk about?”