We quickly dry ourselves and get back into bed. “Shit, Ollie, this bed is incredible.” His eyes are already closing.

“Night, Kit.”

“Night, Ollie.”

I fall asleep just as quickly. Two orgasms will do that to a guy.

I wake up to the sound of my phone alarm and Kit sprawled over me, his leg over my thighs, his arm over my waist, and his head on my chest. I’m pretty sure there’s been some drooling going on too. So why do I find it adorable?

As I stroke my fingers through his hair, he stirs and lifts his head to look at me. “Hey there, handsome,” I say as he squints at me.

“You’re even more comfortable than your bed.” He grins. “I’m not sure I want to get up.”

“Too bad. We both have work to get to.” I give him a nudge with my hips.

“Damn, at least tell me we’ve got time for blowjobs.” He gives me the best puppy dog eyes ever.

“Why do you think I set my alarm to wake us early?”

“Good man, it would be a shame to waste a healthy morning wood.” He shuffles down under the covers and flips himself around so I can reach his cock too. Smart move.

He has his mouth wrapped around my dick and in his throat before I can get into position. My shout of surprise is probably loud enough to wake Jack. I have to catch up quickly. Kit is way too talented with his mouth, and I’ll be coming in mere seconds. Not willing to be the first to shoot first, I swallow him deeply, and it’s not long before we both come, groaning around each other’s cocks.

We walk into the kitchen, both with goofy grins and swollen mouths. Jack takes one look at us and rolls his eyes. “Now I know why I was woken up with a cry of ‘Oh fuck!’”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. It was probably Gage.” I smirk.

My best friend grins and shakes his head, then points at Kit. “It’s a good job I keep Ollie in this season’s clothes. It doesn’t look like you’re doing the walk of shame into work.”

Kit has only borrowed clean underwear and a shirt and tie, but Jack is right. His boss would’ve picked up on it straight away. I make coffee for us both and shove some bread into the toaster.

Twenty minutes later, we’re out of the house on our way to the Tube station. “When will I see you again?” Once we get down to the platforms, we’ll be going in separate directions.

“Whenever you want, baby.” Kit leans into me and gives me a sweet kiss. “We’d probably better let Jack sleep tonight. Shall I call you later?”

“Yeah, call me at lunch.” I kiss him, using a bit more tongue than he did, until Jack’s cough breaks us up. “Thanks for a great night, Kit.”

“The pleasure was mine.” He winks and after another quick kiss, walks away with Jack.

Work is as horrible as ever. I have had enough of this. I want out, but I need to make sure that I can make the foundation work before I leave. Unfortunately, the money is too good to walk away from. I pull up Banner’s number on my phone and shoot him a text, asking if he can meet tonight. I can go straight from work if it suits him.

It takes ten minutes for him to reply and gives me a thumbs up and his address. Would Kit like to come with me? The only way to know is to ask him.

At twelve thirty, I walk out of the office and call Kit.

After two rings, Kit answers. “Hello, beautiful.”

I like all his compliments and how easily they come to him. “Hello to you too. How’s your morning? Have you beaten Jack on commission yet?”

His laughter makes my heart beat faster. “No, the little shit grabbed a customer I had my eye on. I’ll get him this afternoon. What about you?”

“Blah, it’s a blah day. I’m getting sick of it all. But I messaged Banner this morning, and he can see me this evening. Would you like to come with me? I’ll buy you dinner afterwards.”

“You don’t need to bribe with food, baby. Yes, I’d love to come with you. Do you want to stay with me tonight?”

I doubt the meeting will last long. I only want to ask his advice on the reality and feasibility of having counsellors in the private school sector. So an hour tops. Plenty of time to get a change of clothes and go to Kit’s.

“Yeah, I’d like that.” I can get used to waking up with Kit. “Will Adam be okay with that?”