Nico and Ryan have joined me in my office so I can fill them in on the illustrious Raff McMahon.
“Aren’t you sure about him now?” Ryan questions me.
“He was a complete dick when I called him earlier, and couldn’t get off the phone quick enough. I would have thought there would be at least a small element of excitement or even interest. But I got nothing like that, a curt answer and no acknowledgement. He’s not even flying; he’s driving. I’ve sent him confirmation for a Friday morning meeting at nine. Who knows if he’ll even bother to come.” Throwing my hands up, I’m frustrated and I know I shouldn’t be—it’s simply the niggling feeling in my stomach at the mere thought of him being here. Is it excitement or annoyance? I suppose I’ll find out if he turns up.
“Oh, he’ll be here; this is so his gig. I’ve been watching him for a while and he is a star in the making and I want to be the man behind him. He is going to be good for us, just you wait and see.” Nico leans back in his chair and stretches his arms up over his head. He smirks at me, “he’s a good-looking bastard, too.”
“Hey! Watch it, you, or I won’t let you in on the interview.” Ryan leans over and musses up his husband’s hair.
“Right, I’m off home.” I interrupt what I know will turn into a make-out session and I do not need to see that. But they hardly even notice me. I’m envious of them both; I want what they’ve got, what I once had and lost. Yet, I’m afraid of being left again. It would have to be someone very special and I don’t think there is a man out there who can make me feel alive again, to be brave enough to trust my heart to another. Raff’s image appears fleetingly in my mind. What the hell is it about that guy?
It’s been a couple of days since I messaged McMahon and nothing, no word at all. I assume he has changed his mind and doesn’t want to meet with us. What a foolish thing to do; we are the hottest name going and will only be getting bigger and better. I’d better start searching for a new photographer—no one comes anywhere near his talent, what a wasted opportunity.
My cell rings and, reaching across to pick it up, I swipe the screen with my thumb, not bothering to see who it is. My eyes are fixed on my computer screen as I hunt for a new model for our swimwear range.
“Ballantyne.” I answer. My heart skips when I hear the deep rumble of the caller’s voice.
“Um, hi. It’s Raff McMahon; just letting you know that I have arrived, but there is a problem with the hotels you recommended.”
I’m surprised by his uneasiness.
“What’s the problem? We’ve used them all before.” I really can do without having to deal with this.
“Yeah? Well, they have a problem with my passenger and are not able to accommodate us both.”
“I didn’t realize you were being someone with you, but that shouldn’t cause any difficulties. Do you need me to speak to them?”
“It’s not a person, it’s my dog. I’m going to see if there are any cheaper places that don’t care about him.”
“Where are you?” I check the time in the corner of my screen and see it is almost time to leave anyway. “I’ll meet you and I’ll see what else we can do, I’m sure you don’t want a cheap motel.”
“Fine, I’m at Macy’s Diner.” He replies.
“Give me fifteen minutes and I’ll be with you.” Ending the call, I walk down to Ryan’s office.
“Hey Ry, McMahon has arrived but it seems he’s brought his dog and the hotels won’t take him. I’m going to meet him and see what I can organize.” I sigh as my frustration builds. He really does rattle me.
“Why don’t you take him to your place, he can have Nico’s old rooms.” Ryan suggests.
“Really? I’ve never met the guy and you want me to share my home with him? How long for? Are we planning to ask him to start straight away?” The thought of him at my place sets the butterflies in my stomach racing.
“What’s going on, Troy? Something is bothering you about this guy, I thought you wanted him in?” Ryan examines me shrewdly, eyes narrowed as he watches me fidget. “You like him, is that it?”
“For God’s sake, Ryan! I’ve never met him, you’re talking shit.” I can hear how pathetic I sound and I know Ryan has seen through me.
“Do you want me to go? I don’t mind. I’m sure we can find somewhere for him to stay.”
My phone rings from inside my pocket. Grabbing it, I accept the call. “Ballantyne.”
“McMahon here, don’t worry; I’ve got a place. Are we still on for Friday morning?” He sounds much more relaxed now.
“Yes, Friday at nine. Where are you staying?” I question him, hoping he has not picked a dump, but when he tells me the location I make up my mind. “No way, Raff, that place charges by the hour normally. I’ll be there in ten minutes, wait for me.”
I watch Ryan as his eyebrows raise in query and, mouthing ‘Miramar’, and see him grimace. Raff is trying to tell me to stay, that he is fine, but it’s not going to work.
“Listen to me, if your dog hasn’t got fleas now, he will have by the time you leave. I’m on my way.” I end the call and look back at Ryan. “Looks like I’ve got a couple of house guests. I’d best go.”
“How about we call in later, we can meet him tonight. It seems stupid making him wait till Friday if he is here already. We’ll bring dinner.” Ryan offers.