“What shall we do today?” My head rests on Raff’s chest, his heart still beating rapidly as we come down from our orgasms.
“I have something I want to do. Well, two things but the first one I need your permission for.” Raff sounds hesitant, making me lift my head up and study him.
“Really? Because I’m sure you’ve already had my ass without asking.” I snigger.
“No. I’m being serious.” He frowns then tenderly pushes my hair from my forehead. “I want to go to Franco’s grave. You can come, too, if you want but I would like to go and pay my respects.”
I was so not expecting him to say that, I’m lost for words. “Er, Um. Yeah, sure, if that’s what you want. We can do that. What’s the second thing?” My mind occupied with thoughts of why he wants to visit the cemetery, I pay little attention to what he suggests.
“Did you hear me?” Raff runs his fingers down my cheek.
“Shit, no… Sorry, tell me again?” I clasp his hand in mine and kiss each fingertip.
“I want to show you that piece of land I found by the lake. I think it would be a great place to build a home.”
“Really? Wow! You are full of surprises today. Okay, I’m up for that. Shall we shower?”
An hour later we are on the road, we’ve brought the dog so he can have a run afterward. Waves of tension roll off Raff as I pull up at the cemetery. The windows are down and Boss swings his head out as he watches us amble up the white gravel path and between the neatly kept graves.
“Do you mind if I go up by myself, baby?” Raff nervously pushes his hands through his hair, “I’ve just got to do this first bit on my own.”
“Of course, love. I’m here when you’re done.” I pause and watch him walk the last twenty feet or so by himself. I hold my breath when I see him kneel and run his fingers over Franco’s name. His lips move but I can’t hear what he says, and I don’t want to; if it’s important enough for him to ask to come here, I will respect his wishes and leave him be.
After five minutes, Raff rises and I see him wipe his eyes with the back of his hand before looking at me. When his arm extends, I wander over and we stand with our arms wrapped around each other’s waists. “Everything okay?” I ask quietly.
“Yeah, everything’s good. Really good.” Raff smiles and lets his lips touch mine, this feels right. Having Raff here.
“Are you ready?” I don’t want to rush him.
He nods, “I am. Do you want to spend some time?” Raff peeks at me.
“No, I’m good. I’m glad we came.” And it’s true; a great feeling of peace seems to surround us.
Allowing my fingers to trace Franco’s name, I clasp Raff’s hand. As we turn to walk away, the same lady I saw before stands ahead of us, smiling. But she doesn’t approach me, “I’ve spoken to this woman here before,” I explain to Raff, “she seems to know me and Franco.”
“I’ve seen her, too; she was at Franco’s funeral.” Raff replies. Baffled, I eye him until he clarifies, “I found a photograph of you at the graveside, candidly it seemed, and she was in the background. Her face was almost as desolate as yours.”
“Then we’d better see what she wants.” As we walk closer, she beams and I see a glimmer of someone else in her eye: I see Franco.
“Troy and Rafferty, it is wonderful to see you here together. And, Rafferty, what a wonderfully kind gesture you have made. I have been waiting for this day.” She smiles genuinely at us.
“Who are you?” Rafferty sounds defensive.
“I know who you are. You are Franco’s family. A sister perhaps?” I ask and her eyes light up.
“I am Francesca, Franco’s twin. I was kept away from him, and what our family thought was his disgrace. But we stayed in contact through letters, I have been waiting for this day for a long time, Troy. When Franco became so ill, he wrote me letters of instructions, some to do with our family and some to do with you. You have received most of his wishes because of his will and his tenacious lawyer keeping our family away, but he left this one last wish to me. He trusted that I would know when the time was right. He knew you would find this man. Above all others, it would be this man you chose as your forever man.”
“So, why now? What has happened to make you tell me this?” I see a look flash between Raff and the woman and she gives him a secret smile.
“Because, today, Troy, you have allowed your past and your future to meet, and you felt no need to keep Raff away from him, as if Franco was yours alone. You allowed them to speak freely to each other and for both to find their peace.” Francesca opens her purse and pulls out a thick, white envelope, my eyes flash to my name written in Franco’s beautiful script.
“How did you know we would be here today?” Raff asks and fixes his eyes on her but she doesn’t seem the slight bit embarrassed.
“I sensed it.” Her voice never wavers and her eyes stay relaxed and comfortable on us.
“Do you know what is in there?” I point to the object she has yet to hand over.
“I do and it is my pleasure to hand it to you; it is his gift to you both.” Proffering the envelope, she smiles again, “I loved my brother very much. I trust you will appreciate this to its full potential and, please, don’t be strangers to me, if you can find a space in your hearts for me.”