Page 10 of Quake

“Kat, I’mokay, I promise,” I tell her, my heart doing somersaults in my chest at how easily the lie falls off my tongue, though Iknow I’m not fooling anyone.1 I see it in their dull eyes every time someone asks me if I’m okay.

She unwinds her arms from my waist, straightening before she pulls away. Her amber eyes peer straight into mine, and I know she’s about to deliver yet another blow to my already fragile psyche. Her bottom lip wavers as she blows out a breath. “You’re getting so good at that,” she tells me, her voice sounding watery. “If I didn’t know you, I’d almost believe it,” she says, her voice so small I barely hear her.

I take another long inhale, looking up at the ceiling as I clench my fists tightly at my sides. “Ireallycan’t do this, Kat,” I tell her, my eyes brimming with hot, unshed tears. My throat feels like it’s closing in on itself, and I barely get the next words out. “I’mbeggingyou not to make me,” I plead with her, my throat constricting as I choke out the words.

She grasps my hand in her two smaller ones, keeping her eyes trained on me as she delivers what I fucking hope is the last bruising blow to my soul for the night. “I know you miss him, Gi, but he wouldn’t want you wallowing in misery like this. He’d want you to talk to someone.” She squeezes my hand tightly, my eyes dragging down to it as her words sink in. Words I know to be true, but somehow, I can’t seem to let them take root just yet.

“Just give me some more time, Kat. I’m just not ready,” I tell her, exhaustionseeping into me.

She gives me a small nod, her eyes glossy, and it breaks my heart. I know she wants what’s best for me. I know theyalldo, but I just can’t do any more than I already am right now.

Ever since the accident, it’s been nearly impossible to leave my bed, let alone to rehash the entire thing to a complete stranger, over and over and over.

She pulls out of my grasp, heading downstairs to the kitchen. Dinner should be ready any minute, but I’ve officially lost my appetite.

1. I'm Not Okay (I Promise) – My Chemical Romance

Chapter eight


Saturday, February 22, 2025

“Alright, Tiny, let’s get a move on, or we’re gonna be late!”

Tiny trots ahead of me, his big, speckled body pulling my small frame behind him as we run toward the small gray building. Someone ahead of me sees us coming and opens the door wide for us. Tiny lacks all manners as he barrels toward the opening, catapulting us inside.

“Thank you!” I shout at the woman and direct my attention back to Tiny, scolding him as he finally slows down. “You need to calm your tits, big guy. You act as if it’s the first time being here,every time.” His droopy lids drag up his face as he glances at me from the corner of his eyes, pretending he hasn’t heard me. “Such a brat,” I whisper, tugging gently on one of his big, floppy ears.

My eyes scan the room for an empty seat. When I see one open, I hurry over, unfolding the mat and laying it beside me. Tiny circlesit, getting himself comfortable before plopping down. “Good boy, Tiny,” I whisper at the gentle giant at my feet. Okay,usually,he’s gentle.

The woman at the door is the last to take a seat just before class starts. I turn to thank her again, and as I do, my eyes widen, and my lips part on a soft exhale.

It’s Gianni’s girlfriend.

“Thanks for holding the door for me,” I finally manage to say, giving her an awkward smile.

If she notices, she doesn’t show it because she returns my smile more warmly, extending her hand for me to shake. “I’m Katarina, but you can call me Kat. And this handsome man is Tank,” she says, nodding her chin to the graying, old dog at her feet.

There’s a man seated beside her who bears a striking similarity to her. He leans forward, waving at me with a wide grin spread across his handsome face. “Hey, I’m Kas, and this lovely lady is Pickles,” he says, gesturing to the furry blob at his feet. She looks like she’s practically melted into the floor.

I smile at him. “Yeah, I actually know Pickles. It’s nice to meet you though,” I explain awkwardly.

His dark brow quirks with interest, and Kat turns to him. “This is Lark. She’s Gi’s veterinarian,” she tells him, and I feel rude, now realizing I never told themmyname. She must’ve remembered from last week.

“Kas is my twin brother. Gianni couldn’t make it today, so he volunteered to act as Pickles’s handler,” she explains, remaining unphased by my reactions.

“Ah, okay. Well, that was really kind of you.” It must be nice having a brother who gets along with your boyfriend. Even if heisa cheating pig.

Kas says nothing, his eyes flicking to the center of the room, where he turns his attention. Stacey, the trainer for this class, goes over today’s plans. My leg bounces with pent-up energy and a strange amount of frustration that’s settled over me. For the first time, I just want to get this class over with.

When she finishes, we break off into groups of three, and much to my dismay, I wind up with Kat and Kas. It isn’t that they don’t seem nice because they absolutely do. It’s just uncomfortable for me to work with them while knowing what I do about Kat’s boyfriend.

“So, each one of us just takes turns holding the pool noodle up while the other coaxes the dogs underneath?” Kas asks, his hands on his hips as he stares at the blue pool noodle in my hands, his brows pinched. He’s clearly still a little confused. I don’t blame him. This stuff is more difficult than it seems, and we aren’t just reminding ourselves what to do. There are so many moving parts, and we have to remember treats, clickers, and commands. It can definitely be overwhelming.

“I’ll go first with Tiny if you guys don’t mind. That way, I can give you a better idea of what to do.”

“Sounds great, thanks.” They say this in unison.Must be some freaky twin thing.