Page 14 of Quake

I shake my head, rolling my eyes. “My mom wasn’t great about caring for him, and Dad wasn’t around a lot back then, so I honestly thought it was normal for pets to run away that often! He always came home, and he didn’t pass away until we had to euthanize him at twenty-one years old. He had a brain tumor that resulted in a seizure disorder, and medication wasn’t working anymore.”

“I’d say I’m sorry about his seizures, but it sounds like it was more than his time.” Her eyes are wide. “Sorry, that’s so messed up, but god,that’s an old dog!”

“It’s okay. He really was rather ancient,” I say with a chuckle. “Especially for a chow chow. It was pretty miraculous. My parents would joke that he was the devil’s spawn and that’s what was keeping him alive, but I think he was just being given a chance to make up for lost time.” Her brows return to their usual spot, and her eyes soften at my words. “We adopted him from a kill shelter the day he was due to be put down. I was three when my parents let me pick out a dog, and I chose him because he looked like he needed the love the most. Then I proceeded to name him two of the only words I really knew at that time.”

Kat laughs, a full-bellied one that ends in a snort, and I can feel the weightlessness I only experience when I’m with my friends. “And now, you have a dog that’s twice your size, ironically namedTiny.”

“Sure do.” I beam over at her, my cheeks climbing high.I love Rex and Tiny with all my heart.

The waitress approaches our table, a large tray balancing on her forearm. “Can I put it in the middle?” she asks.

“Yes, please,” Kat tells her, her voice light and bubbly as she helps to disperse the array of plates and bowls around the table.

“Thank you so much,” I tell the waitress as she leaves.

I check my phone one more time, and luckily, the soda brought my sugar up enough that I can take my bolus insulin before eating and not have to worry about a drop before I get the carbs in.

“Sorry, just another second,” I assure Kat, but she doesn’t seem bothered in the least. I pull out the compact insulated bag with my insulin in it and turn the top to get the pen ready for my regular dose. I use an alcohol swab to disinfect the usual spot onmy stomach before pressing the plunger, holding it down for a few seconds before putting everything back in my bag.

“Alrighty, I’m ready. What is everything?” I ask Kat, excited to finally eat an actual meal.

Kat explains what each dish is and helps me sample each one. My tastebuds are exploding with new flavors I’ve never explored before. The curry is slightly sweet with a coconut milk base that pairs so well with the pumpkin and the chewy texture of the stir-fried tofu. Everything’s delicious, but I think the drunken noodles are my favorite. “Oh my god,” I moan between mouthfuls. “This is so good!”

Kat smirks. “I told ya, I know good food. Next time, I’ll have to take you to Giovanni’s. It’s this Italian café Aiyana and I love going to for lunch. They have the best calamari.”

“That sounds great.” I take another sip of my Coke before continuing. “Who’s Aiyana?”

“She’s my best friend and also happens to be my brother’s wife now.” Her smile could light up a damn arena with how bright it is at that.

“I’m sensing a story there.” I lift my brow at her.

“There’sdefinitelya story,” she says with a chuckle. “It’s one that would probably take as long to tell it as it did to unfold, but the gist is that they’d been in love for years, and there were a few very personal reasons as to why Aiyana was convinced they couldn’t be together. Maybe she’ll tell you about it sometime,” she says with a wry smile.

I nod in understanding.

“Okay, so Gi tells me you’ve got a boyfriend, and you confirmed that earlier today. What gives there?” she asks, her words comingout at a breakneck speed. “I just feel like you seemed a bit uncomfortable mentioning him working and not wanting to help you with the dogs.” She lifts that black-and-white eyebrow at me again. “Sorry, am I reading that all wrong?”

Her cheeks flame red, eyes widening as the wheels turn in her head. It’s almost like I can visibly see the crime scene diagram she’s drawing in her mind, each red piece of yarn leading her down a different path of anxiety about the possibility of offending me.

I let out a long sigh, slumping back against the booth seat. I don’t particularly want to talk about my and Tyler’s lackluster relationship, but it’s the perfect opening for me to bring up my concerns about Gianni.

“You’re not reading it wrong. Tyler and I have been together for a long time, and things have just changed between us. I think he’s going to propose soon, and I hope maybe that will bridge the gap a bit, but I just don’t know.”

She nods slowly, her shoulders slumping slightly. “I’ve definitely been in similar situations, but I think you just need to trust your gut on this. Maybe you need to explore other options?” she asks, her fingers fiddling with the pendant on her neck. “Marriage isn’t the only way to find happiness, and if you aren’t really happy now…” She trails off. “Sorry, I’m really prying tonight, I guess. I swear, I’m not usually like this. I mind my own business and leave the meddling to Kas, but something about you tells me you have a lot on your mind.”

She blows out a long breath. “I’ll say this. When you’re with the right person, you’ll know. I found the love of my life when I least expected it. I tried to push him away, but it never worked becausewe were always meant to be. I think that person exists for everyone if you wait for the right time.”

My appetite is officially gone. My stomach has plummeted to my toes.This is gonna suck.

Clearing my throat, I extend my hands across the table, reaching for hers. Her brows knit together, but she allows me to make the gesture.

“You look like someone who’s about to deliver bad news,” she tells me, and stress is etched into her warm complexion.

I lean forward with a stiff neck, swallowing down past the lump in my throat before saying, “Kat, I’m really,reallysorry to tell you this. But your boyfriend isn’t as great as he seems.” She wrenches her hands out of my grasp, her eyes narrowing, and her head jerks back. Shock and anger are written plainly across her face.

“You don’t evenknowhim, so I don’t appreciate the commentary. I think we’re done here. I’ll pay on my way out,” she tells me, moving to stand. But before she can leave, I rush out the words, “He asked me out the other day, and I said no because of Tyler, but had I not seen you two together at Rocket Dog, I’d have had no idea he was trying to cheat on you. I know it’s shitty of me, but I really think fate or the universe or whoever put us together so I could tell you this.”

Kat gawks at me for an unsettling moment, her eyes wide as she stares at me for an uncomfortable moment before bending forward, hands on her knees as she bellows out the most unattractive bout of laughter I’ve ever heard. It makes me like her even more and, in the same thought, my heart clenches because this is probably the last time we’ll see each other.