Chapter fifty-seven
Wednesday, May 21, 2025
Iwanted nothing more than to get home after my game and run to Lark so I couldfinallytell her how I’d been feeling all this time.
But instead, someone called out of work sick, and she had to cover their shift.
And now, I have to wait two more days to see her because I’ve got another away game.
I take a deep breath in, trying to steady myself.
All I want is tofinallytell her how madly in love with her I am.
Chapter fifty-eight
Saturday, May 24, 2025
This week issonot going as I’d hoped it would.
Instead of finally getting to admit to the man of my dreams how much I love him and hoping like hell he feels the same, which I’m pretty goddamn confident he is, I keep having to cover shifts for my employees because their kids have all managed to infect them with some horrid stomach bug.
On the one hand, I’m glad I don’t have kids right now to make me sick. On the other, at least if I were home sick, I’d get to see Gi.
God, I miss him.
Chapter fifty-nine
Please tell me you’ll be at the game tomorrow.
Ma Petite Rouge
Yes! I won’t miss it! Everyone seems to have recovered from that bug, and I’ll finally have the whole day off. I can’t wait to see you.
Can I drive you there? You’d have to be early as hell since I have to be, but I want to see you.
Ma Petite Rouge
I can’t :( I’m still at work right now and don’t get off till an hour before your game starts, but I WILLBE THERE! I promise <3
I wish you were here right now, in my arms. I miss you, little red.
Ma Petite Rouge
I miss you too, mon ciel étoilé. More than you know.
Little doessheknow just how much I miss her.
How much I love her.
Chapter sixty