Chapter six


Monday, December 2, 2024

By the time my alarm goes off, I still haven’t slept.

Frankly, I’m pissed about it. Schizophrenia is sensitive to changes in sleep cycle, and I have zero interest in doing a damn thing to perturb it.

And of course, it’s allherfault.

Fucking Lea.

It was bad enough that I had those sexy fucking sounds that she made playing on repeat in my mind all night, but then she had to go and add fuel to the fire by inviting me into her bed. Whether or not she really meant the offer doesn’t matter. It’s the fact that there ever was any kind of offer that my brain kept snagging onto as I tried desperately to sleep.

But each time I’d close my eyes, I’d imagine what it’d be like if it were me in that room with her. If the camera were angled at nothing but her gorgeous pussy, or what I imagine it would look like anyway. I picture how well she’d take my fingers, screaming my name instead of praising someone else’s sky daddy.

I clutch the sides of my head, clenching my eyes shut and willing the images of her to stop.

“Fuck!” I shout, climbing out of bed and snagging a pair of shorts before slipping into my sneakers and going for a run.

By the time I get back, I’m exhausted and grateful as hell that I don’t have practice or a game today. I need this day just to relax and get back on track.

I gulp down a glass of water and take a much-needed shower, but when I get out, my phone is ringing from where I’d left it on the kitchen counter.


I wrap a towel around my waist, running into the other room, and answer just in time.

“It’s Kai,” I rush out, my breath coming out in pants, much like it does every time I get a call. More often than not,when someone’s calling me, it’s Mom. And she always needs something.

“Kai, baby,” she coos on her end of the line, and my heart splits in two.Not again.

“I need you to come pick me up, baby.” She lowers her voice to a whisper. “They found out, Kai. They found out, and I need you to come get me out of here.”

“Found out about what, Mom?” I ask, trying not to sound as exasperated as I feel.

“About the messages, baby. They found out, and just like I told you, they want to do tests on me, but you can’t let them!” she starts shouting, becoming hysterical.

“Mom. Mom,” I plead, trying to draw her attention back to me. “You’ve gotta be quiet, or they’ll hear you talking about it and I won’t be able to get you out, okay?”

“Okay,” she whispers back.

A heavy sigh leaves my lips at her acceptance. It’s not always this easy. Hell,usuallyit isn’t easy at all. When she stops taking her meds and gets like this, it can seem impossible to bring her back.

“Tell me where you are, and I’ll come get you. Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone do any tests on you, alright?” I try to keep my voice as even as possible, but anxiety is threatening to strangle me.

“Ma’am, may I speak with your son?” A man's deep voice travels over the line, and Mom starts shouting at him to get back.

There’s a commotion, and I realize exactly where she’s at by sound alone.

“I’ll be there soon, officer,” I say loud enough that I hope he can hear me despite their attempts to restrain my mother.


If I thought I was exhausted before, I was wrong.

When I get inside, I toss my keys down on the kitchen counter, and they land with a loud thud.