Chapter seven


Friday, December 6, 2024

“And you just, what? Offered to let him join yoursoloparty?” Mona asks, her hands on her hips as she stares down her nose at me.

“Sort of, yeah.” I shrug. “It started as a joke to ruffle his feathers a bit, but then when he asked about the next day, heseemed sort of desperate, and dollar signs flashed in my mind, so I kind of just went with it.”

“Okay…” she says, blowing out a breath and taking a seat beside me on the frozen bench outside of the rink. “You know not to get attached, right? Because I know you’ve had a crush on him since we could walk, but this will meannothingto him. You’ve gotta promise me you’ll remember that.”

I wave a hand in the air dismissively. “I know, I know. Don’t worry. It’ll just be a few awkward orgasms, and my views will probably tank and that’ll be that.”

“Why would they tank?” she asks, her dark brow raised questioningly.

“Because my viewers don’t like to share, so I can’t imagine they’d be all that interested in seeing another man get me off.”

She nods slowly, understanding dawning. “Alright,” she says, standing. “I guess let me know how it goes. I’ve gotta get home for date night, but I’ll see you tomorrow for our game.”

“I’ll keep you posted,” I say, heading to my car.

As I sit on the edge of the bed, waiting for Kai to get home, my stomach is swarming with butterflies. I’m so damn nervous that I could puke.

And he’s right—what if my brother finds out somehow? Then we’re both screwed. He’d lose his fucking mind, and I’m not sure which part would be worse. The fact that I’m a cam girl or that Kai is joining me.

The sound of the door unlocking has me jumping a foot off the mattress.

“Fuck, I don’t think I can do this,” I whisper to myself.

I hear the telltale sign of him dumping his bag in the closet before he pops his head into my room. “Leonora.” He nods at me, a confident smirk plastered on his face.

“Hey,” I squeak out, nerves getting the better of me. His expression changes as his lips smooth into a worried line.

“What’s wrong?”

“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea,” I tell him, picking at my cuticles as I refuse to make eye contact.

He invades my space as if it’s his own, taking a seat beside me on my bed. The mattress compresses under his weight, and my leg starts to bounce with anxiety.

Kai’s warm hand presses down on my thigh, just above the knee, stopping the erratic movement of my leg.

“It’s gonna be fine, Lea,” he assures me.

Lea. Not Leonora. Just,Lea.

“I know you hate me, but I guarantee you won’t have to fake an orgasm with me, and who knows, maybe your viewers will love it.”

Oh, you sweet summer child.I could never hate him, but he doesn’t need to know that.

“Alright, but I was serious. If my bank account is affected by this, you’re out.”

He nods in agreement. “Got it. I’m gonna go take a shower. I’ll be ready in twenty. That enough time?”

“Yep,” is all I manage to say.

I might have a heart attack in the next twenty minutes, and then we wouldn’t have to do this at all. Though I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to afford whatever the hospital bill forthatkind of workup would be.

Besides, Kai may be an ass, but he’d never hurt me, and half the time, I’m pretending my hand is his anyway.