“You should have told me to get up.” I laughed and rolled off her, groaning at the fact that I’d slept on my stomach for way too long.
“Kinda like when a kitten is on your lap. There’s a rule.”
“So, I’m a cat?”
“More of a golden retriever.” She patted my head and darted across the room.
I wasn’t sure I liked the sound of that. I winced at the time and hurriedly cleaned up our snack plates, adding them to the dishwasher.
She came back to find me folding blankets. She turned off the television, took the throw from me, and tossed it on the couch. “Bedtime.”
The word invoked a yawn, and she laughed.
“Did your family check in?”
She nodded. “River and Levi are hoping for new flights, but there’s still a lot of unknowns.”
“The rest of them?”
“All bitching about flights.”
She’d told me about how many family members she had, but there were two she didn’t mention at all. “Who are the last two?”
“My baby brothers. One is stuck in Michigan, I think. He was driving his bike across country but it got too bad to drive his motorcycle. Supposedly he sent it ahead. The way things are going it’ll probably arrive before him. My other brother has to work right up until Christmas Eve.”
And again, she didn’t say the names.
“Enough about their bitching.” She moved into me, going up on her toes. “It’s after midnight.”
I smiled against her mouth. “Is that right?”
“We both win. Now, let’s go make a win on the big king-sized bed upstairs.”
I couldn’t really argue with that.
And I had a feeling she didn’t want to tell me more.
3 Days til Christmas
“I think we have sun!”
I cracked my eye open to find Hudson at the window beside the big bed that had become ours. His hair was wet and a fresh pair of red boxers with dancing Christmas trees cupped his exceptional ass.
I sat up with a yawn. “Yay, sun.”
Then the meaning of it dented my fuzzy brain. I scrambled out of bed and stood beside Hudson.
He grinned down at me. I’d ended up in one of his undershirts again and they were way too big on me. He dragged his knuckle along the side of my breast that showed from the tank. “Sorry to wake you.”
“It’s okay. It’s good news for once.” My teeth chattered. As nice as this place was, it was chilly near the window.
He pulled me close, wrapping his arms around me. I rested my cheek on his chest and stared out at the lake. Ice coated the trees, sparkling in the blinding sun.
The water was full of chunks of ice and snow from the storm thanks to the plows that had been out late last night. They didn’t have anywhere else to really put the snow at this point.
“Do you think there’s an actual plow out on the road this morning?”