Page 3 of Cabin Fever Baby

Can’t wait to see you.


Are you already there? It’s not Christmas for a week!


Where the heck are you, O?

I’m getting a tree for the cabin.


Sweet! Get some popcorn to make garland.

Can do.


Don’t encourage her. This is supposed to just be a quiet Christmas, kiddo.

I rolled my eyes. Kent was my older brother by three years. I was not a damn kiddo.


5 bucks the tree is the biggest on the lot.


Make it 50 and maybe I’ll play.




Sucker bet. Can’t wait to see all you idiots.

I smiled at the flood of “me toos” tucked my phone back into my pocket. I knew this was a smart idea. Now, I definitely needed one of those cocoas, plus something to stop my stomach from eating itself.

The line moved quickly. A beautiful dark-haired woman with dense bangs over huge blue eyes smiled at me when it was my turn. “Hi, what can I get you?”

I glanced at the tag and my eyes widened. “TheRachel?”

Her smile became a little cautious, but it didn’t waver. “Yes.”

“Sorry. I’m from Manhattan. We were all swooning over your love story with Mr. Winslow.”

“Oh.” Relief put the sparkle back in her eyes. “That first news story was a little stressful for me.”

I frowned. “I must have missed that one. I just remember the videos from your sister. They were everywhere online, and I swear I had to come here to find a tree because of it.”

“That’s quite the trip from the city,” she said with a laugh.

“Oh, no. I’m not that crazy. I’m staying on Crescent Lake.”

“Thank goodness. Clay and Jim’s trees are very impressive this year—especially the Townes Trees, but they’re really big. I think you’ll find a cute little tabletop one to brighten up your room. I convinced my husband to expand the dwarf trees recently. They’re super cute.”