He moved a little and I let out the breath I wasn’t aware I was holding. I resumed the pounding and finally, he sat back in his seat.
Thank God, he was alive.
I yelped at the blood trailing down his face, but he seemed to be coming to.
“Sir! Sir, can you open the door?” I banged again when his head started to slump to the side.
Maybe I should just go in and call 911?
I looked up at the endless clouds and the eerie orange of the sky that said the snow wasn’t stopping anytime soon.
Could they even get to me?
“Sir! Hey! C’mon, just open the door for me. You gotta help me out here, gorgeous.”
Even while blood marred his face, the man was undeniably attractive. I hoped that some super flattery would roust him.
“I mean you’re way too attractive to die out here in the snow, right? It would be a shame.” The adrenaline high I’d been on was lagging a bit as my teeth chattered.
Save the flattery until you’ve shoveled out the car.
I spun around looking for the shovel I’d discarded when I reached his car.
Maybe the plastic handle would make enough noise to wake him up.
It was a little easier to get back around the car since he’d effectively plowed through the snow on his way into the stupid tree. I tucked my hands inside the sleeves of my hoodie and used the car to slip my way around. The red handle was sticking up out of the snow. I grabbed it and scrambled back around to his side of the car.
Even if I could break the window, how the hell could I get this guy out of the car?
I looked at the cabin, which seemed damn far away, then to the stranger.
“Wake up!” I banged at the door. “You gotta wake up, Hottie McOrange,” I shouted. He was wearing an SU sweatshirt with a very old demonic-looking orange mascot on the front.
“MacGregor,” he mumbled.
“MacGregor! Okay, hi. Open the door, MacGregor.”
“So loud,” he said softly.
“I can get louder.” I banged on the window.
Finally, the click of a lock had me fumbling with the handle. I swung open the door and the warmth inside made me want to weep.
I was freaking freezing.
I tucked my hands inside my sleeves for a second and then I blew on them to try and get some feeling into them, but it was a lesson in futility. He flinched when I touched his face with my frigid hands.
Blurry brown eyes opened as he frowned. “Hi.”
I grinned. “You crashed your car.”
“Are you an angel?”
He reached out to touch my wet hair. “You look like an angel.”