Page 104 of Cabin Fever Baby

“Remind you of something?” I asked as I flicked her bra open.

“The cabin? When we defiled the couch?”

“We’ve done the same to every inch of this house, Mrs. MacGregor.”

She sighed against my mouth. “I love when you call me that.” Then she pushed me onto the couch and climbed on top of me. “Say it again.”

“Mrs. MacGregor.” I scraped my teeth down her neck. “Wife.” I added a little extra growl that made her tip her head back. “My wife.” Then I tugged on her ponytail, and she had my jeans unsnapped and me inside her before I could say another word.

She opened her hazy eyes. “Think we can make another Christmas baby?”

I lifted my hips to get deeper inside of her. “Yes. I’ll try all night long, Angel.”

The sensory memory of her backlit by the tree caused me to drive up harder and she was right with me. The sweet clasp ofher body and the love that always surged up between us had us both going over in record time.

She slumped against me. “Give me a second and we can try again.”

I laughed. “I’m with you there.”

She turned her face into my neck. “I’m always waiting for us to not be so hot for each other.”


She laughed and pressed her cheek to my shoulder. “I really do want to try again.” She straightened. “I know it’s not the best time with the business expanding?—”

I cut her off with a kiss. “I want it too. Nothing is more important to me than you and Henry and maybe another one to make us a happy quartet.”

“What if I end up with triplets?”

“Then I’ll love them too. And work harder so we can have a nanny.”

She laughed and kissed me gently. “Luckily, I think it’s passed through the women in a family.”

“Poor Cara,” I said with a snicker.

She cupped my bearded cheek. “I don’t care what we get, orifwe do get. But I’m game for trying.”

“I’m always game.” I waggled my eyebrows.

Her stomach growled as if on cue. “Maybe after some food.”

“Oh, shit. I got distracted.” I picked her up and set her on the couch and hiked up my jeans on my way into the kitchen.

“Did you burn it?”

“A little crispy edge on the lasagna.”

She laughed. “Always lasagna.”

We ate and chatted about a new idea she had for sports team cookies, thanks to the throwaway idea from Levi. His firehouse cookies were the first branded ones from OH Cookie Company.And the fact that Levi had showed them off on social media had definitely elevated our brand.

Hot firefighters always won the internet.

We cleaned up companionably and I drew her back into the living room. “Since we have a little time alone…”

“Ahh, babe. I’m full.”

I laughed. “No, this time, I have a gift to give you.”