Page 80 of Heart of Thorns

Either Thorne didn’t hear him or he’s ignoring him.

I shout, too. “Let’s go, Thorne!”

As soon as I cheer him on, the ball snaps. Thorne catches it and backs up, searching for an opening. Wilder U is good at hockey and apparently football, too.

The crowd holds their breath, and I find myself doing the same. At some point, I’ve moved closer to the fence, and although it’s been a few seconds, it feels like hours by the time he throws the ball.

I follow it through the air, praying it makes it into the hands of Rhys. He catches it at the last second, both feet touch down in the end zone, and the fans lose their minds.

“Yes!” I jump up and down. My knee buckles so I grip the fence and keep myself steady.

It’s even better that Rhys was the one who caught the ball, because he’s one of the only other football players who I feel that I can trust.

I’m skeptical of the rest.

I rush the field with my pass as soon as the buzzer sounds, forgetting all about Thorne’s parents.

My only saving grace is that the act of running into Thorne’s arms is something a loving girlfriend would do so at least I make our relationship believable.

It feels awfully believable, too.



The high ofwinning is eclipsed only by the sight of Briar making her way through the crowd. I shrug off Rhys’s arm from around my shoulders and cut a path toward her.

The sweater, skirt, and black tights combo is deadly on her, and I am suddenly grateful that we spent the time on shopping. She wasn’t thrilled for most of it, but at the end… As I told her, it wasn’t about giving her a whole makeover. Ilikeher style, even if it’s overly monochromatic.

It was just about giving my blue-blood parents a hint at wealth.

Or class.

Or what-fucking-ever they decide.

It won’t be enough, of course. They’ll probably take one look at her and make a decision based on something inane. Her hair or makeup or just the way she smiles. Or the limp.

The thought of putting her in an ice bath bubbles to the forefront of my mind. I still need to do that… and make it enjoyable for her.

But then there’s no more time for other thoughts or distractions. There’s just Briar in front of me.

I wrap my arms around her, and hers come around my neck, as I lift her feet off the ground. Her gaze burns into mine for a split second, then our lips crash together.

It sizzles between us, of course, but I’m aware of everything else around us. My teammates and fellow students, the coaching staff, the media. It’s probably why I don’t deepen the kiss, and instead keep it close-lipped.

When we break apart, she gives me a dazzling smile, and I can’t help but mirror it.

“You were fucking incredible,” she tells me.

“Thank you, kitten.”

“Cassius!” A woman’s voice, unmistakably my mother, cuts through the noise.

Briar’s smile tightens.

“Did you meet them?” I ask in Briar’s ear.

“Yeah, it was fine.”