My eyes shut on their own.
Goosebumps rush to my skin.
The sound of broken glass is far enough away in my memories that I know it’s not real, but I cover my ears anywayand try to hide from the debilitating fear that comes with the sound.
I sink to my butt and wrap my arms around my knees. Quick breaths rush into the empty weight room from behind my lips.
“You’re fine, Briar,” I whisper. “You’re being ridiculous.”
I’ve convinced myself before that my head is playing tricks on me or that my eyes are being deceitful. All it takes is one little reminder and I’m back in that building. One sense of familiarity with some stranger, and I find myself wondering ifthey’remy arsonist.
The feeling in my stomach, though? That’s new.
Deep breaths work in and out of my lungs for so long, my ribs ache. I wince when I stretch my legs out in front of me, pressing into the hard wall. My eyes stay shut; I’m too afraid to open them and find myself in a panic again.
I don’t have a choice, though.
The door opens, and the overhead lights flick on.
My teeth sink into my lower lip when I spring to my feet. The grinding of my knee is loud enough to draw attention.
I take off in the opposite direction. I have nowhere to go and I’m terrified to look backward.What if it’s him?
The PTSD counseling is nowhere to be found as panic shocks me to the core.
I spin and latch on to the door.
Shit. I backed myself up into a corner.
A rush of relief cools my clammy skin.
I recognize his voice, and just like earlier, it calms me.
There is no rhyme or reason to it, but it’s there.
His soothing, smooth authoritative voice stops me in my tracks. I gaze into his eyes from across the weight room, and then… everything goes black.
The last personI expect to see in the weight room is Briar Hart.
And her reaction to me?
Fear—until she realizes who I am. Then, her expression shifts into something more at ease.
But then, her eyes roll back, and she collapses.
I have excellent reflexes… but unfortunately for her, I’m across the room. She just seems to fold in on herself, though, and luckily doesn’t smash her head into anything on the way down.
Whatis itwith this girl?
I rush to her and drop to my knees, rolling her onto her back. I pick up her legs, my fingers digging into the flesh around her ankles. Elevating them should…