Page 105 of Heart of Thorns

My heart skyrockets when I see that he’s typing. I’m not sure what’s worse: him breaking up with me and us having to deal with the campus gossip, or still having to fake our relationship in front of everyone when really, I’m feeling the sting of rejection every time he crosses my mind.


Yes. My parents may not care, but dating you gives me an excuse not to go on these dates they’re setting me up on.

An excuse. That’s all I am.


I slip my phone into my pocket and turn around.

Marley and Lydia said they’d save me a seat if I decided to come to the game. I blamed not going on a paper that was due.

There is no paper.

I finished it the night before when I couldn’t sleep.

I pass by the girl who asked if I was Thorne’s girlfriend andaccidentallynudge her with my shoulder.

She gasps.

“Oops, sorry.”Not.

Once I arrive at the game, I’m the only one in regular clothes. Everyone is dressed in maroon or gold, sporting their Shadow Valley attire. I’m in my black jeans, Converse—because I refuse to wear the Docs that Thorne bought me—and a thick black sweater. I look like a black cat, which is exactly what Thorne refers to me as.

“Hey!” Marley scoots down. “I didn’t think you were coming.”

I shrug. “I finished my paper.”

She and Lydia both stare at me for a second too long. They can tell something is up but they know me well enough not to ask.

Throughout the game, I fake clap and cheer to keep my role as Thorne’s girlfriend going.

By the last quarter, my cheers aren’t fake.

Even if I am hurt by his rejection, I still want what’s best for him, and that means winning.

The buzzer sounds, and Shadow Valley continues their winning streak.

Lydia, Marley, and I join in the crowd with our cheering. Some girls have taken their shirts off and stand in nothing but bras, waving the cotton around and yelling out various players’ names.

I hear a lot ofThornebut I block it out as I walk down the steps to the gate.

It doesn’t take long for him to spot me standing with my friends.

He’s in the middle of the field, giving an interview when he stops in the middle of speaking and smiles at me.

He makes it seem so real.

I have butterflies and I hate that.


He places his hand on the reporter’s arm and nods over to me. The camera pans andshit, I’m up.

I smile warmly and wave.

I’m certain this is for a show in case his parents are watching.