“Well, we’ve been subtle about it.”
Kind of. I mean, the arsonist would probably have figured it out, if he was one of the players we’ve talked to. But so far, all of the ones Rhys and I managed todelicatelyquestion have been ruled out.
“You might be subtle, but Rhys?” She eyes me. “He’s…”
I exhale. “You might have a point there.”
She cracks a smile, but it’s a little wobbly. She glances around her room, seeming to take in the same details I did. Or maybe just checking that everything is as it should be.
“Hey, kitten?”
She looks back.
I nod to her chest. “My brain is going to scramble if you stay shirtless.”
Her gaze drops to her breasts, then swings back to me. Her grin is wicked.
“Oh? And what about if I…” She drops her leggings and panties then plants her hands on her hips. “Oops. I’m naked.”
Nothing I can do about that but get naked, too.
In the end,Briar negotiates to be included in whatever schemes Rhys and I have. She’s an excellent negotiator when she has her hand on my dick, but I digress…
She comes with Rhys and me to a party, but we’re not there to have fun. She views it as a mission, the same as us. I keep her tucked under my arm, her all-black attire fitting for the occasion. I’m in the same, my black hoodie and black pants giving burglar vibes instead of cool vibes.
Rhys is in a black sweatshirt and dark-wash jeans, a black cap pulled over his head.
“Remember,” he says over his shoulder, “Briar and I are going to distract Ben, and Thorne will get Stephen aside.”
We both nod.
That plan was mainly Briar’s. We sat her down and explained our theory, Rhys produced our shitty list from his glove box, and she laughed at us. Then sobered relatively quick, because the thought of her then-boyfriend doing that to her was not humorous.
Not in the slightest.
“I’m gonna kill him,” she muttered.
But unfortunately, this isn’t one of those dark romances people rave about. There’s not going to be a murder in the third act. If anything, the asshole is getting arrested.
When Rhys and I balked at her words, she sighed and shook her head. Then came up with the current plan: distract and separate.
Or rather, wait until they’re separated and then distract Ben.
Once we’re inside the lacrosse house, the music thumping in my chest, we split up. Rhys trails Briar, a self-appointed bodyguard, and I drift in the opposite direction. I don’t want to be parted from her, but there’s no way in hell Ben would get into an argument with her in front of me.
My threat of telling Coach about his cheating is still very much active.
“Hey—Thorne, right?”
I tear my attention away from where Briar disappeared and focus on the guy in front of me. Cross Lopez has a split lip and a black eye, and I can’t quite say he smiles at me.
“My girl and I are looking forward to your next fight,” I tell him.