The pas de deux between two dancers is hard. It requires immense trust and communication. You need the confidence that if you’re lifted, you won’t be dropped.

When we’re in class, Miss Katerina raps her cane against the floor, scolding us for technical skills: posture, balance, and coordination.

But that’s not what my body sings, when I’m leaping into Swan’s arms.

It’s about heart.


The others in our class are having to act their love. Swan and I aren’t, however, and that gives us an advantage.

Yet it’s also dangerous.

If our love is discovered to be real and not faked, we’ll be permanently separated.

It’d kill me to lose him.

Yet as we are now, dancing this Love Dance, we can stare at each other lingeringly, caress each other’s bodies, and even kiss.

Then we can call itart.

And Swan’s kissesareart.

Hell, can he kiss.

Yet up until now, we’ve only kissed as part of our ballet.

I fucking want to feel what his lips taste like, when we’re kissing as lovers.

Please, let tonight be the night that his voice is freed to speak his love, as much as his body is screaming it now against mine.

Distracted by the feel of Swan’s bunching muscles against my naked legs, as he swings me across his shoulders in a lift, I falter.

Effortlessly, Swan catches me.

Then he swings me around to be cradled against his chest. “I’ll always catch you. I’ll never let you fall.”

I wrap my arms around Swan’s neck, stroking the soft hair that curls at the nape.

Our faces are close in the moonlight. His cheekbones are sharp in the silvery light.

He encourages my legs to wrap around his waist.

For a long moment, we study each other. We’re both breathing too fast.

Swan wants this as much as I do.

I know it.


Swan’s gaze is scorching. He’s never silent like this.

He rests his forehead against mine, closing his eyes.

My chest aches.

Perhaps, I can free my voice first?