When Swan leans closer, my heart beats faster. “Lovable.”
I love you.
I crave to whisper the words. I can see the whisper of them in Swan’s own eyes, but neither of us can voice them.
It’s too dangerous.
Then Swan quirks his brow. “Also, becauseyou’relovable.”
My mouth is dry. “Uh-huh.”
“Loyal, kind, and with a purr so pretty that you can probably summon Amby with it. You know, like in those smut novels about demon Alphas who are summoned by their Omegas, which Dimitri reads when he’s pretending to be reading Dostoevsky.”
I snort. “Dimitri is more likely to be reading PlayAlpha magazine with Omegas in bunny costumes, than reading Russian literature.”
Swan’s expression clouds. “I wonder if he drills us like we’re in the army to get out his pent up frustration. Dimitri’s mom is as tough with him as she is as a Dance Master. I bet that he kicks our asses because she won’t let him claim an Omega. It’s weird how Katerina calls herself ourgodmotherand yet sucks at beinga mom to her own son. Hey, at least I get to know what it’s like for Alpha marines. I should be proud of myself that I’m as strong as they are.” Unexpectedly, he grabs me by the waist and twirls me around. I gasp. “Iwillwin Amby for us, my Ash Queen.”
“Don’t I at least get to be a Fairy Queen?” I look down at my tatty black t-shirt and dirty feet.
Actually,ashis probably right. It always has been.
“You’re a Cinders.” Swan pulls me against his hard chest. His heart is beating as fast as mine is. “There’s a lot of people who can be a Fairy Queen. What’s special about that, unless we’re talking about Dimitri’s fairy smut books? But there’s only one who’s my Ash Queen.”
“But that’s why—”
“I’m so handsome?” Swan cocks his head, and his dark hair falls over his eyes. “I know. It’s a burden. Now, what do you want for Christmas? It’s less than a week away.”
My chest tightens. “We’re not allowed to celebrate. You know that.”
“Pfft, when has that stopped me? I’m going to host an awesome party for the kids. Imaybe planning to steal the Father Christmas outfit from the company’s costume department forThe Nutcracker. Imayalso steal the decorations and toy props from the production. At least the kids will have one night to play with them. It’ll be my Christmas mission.”
“You’re a real thief, you know that?” I can’t stop grinning.
Swan’s the best man I know for creatively getting around both ethics and the limits of our lives here.
Swan beams proudly like I’ve complimented him. “Thank you.”
I tilt up my chin. “Count me in on your mission.”
Swan’s grin widens. “An accomplice thief. I’ve taught you well. So, what do you want for Christmas?”
A kiss.
Except, it hurts my heart that I can’t say that.
We’re both twenty. Yet we’re virgins who haven’t even been kissed.
I don’t want to share my firsts with anyone but Swan.
I force myself to look away from his plush lips.
Suddenly, Swan looks uncertain. “JuJu?”