Except, an Omega and Beta bonded pack is taboo.
They’re as forbidden as our love is. But I don’t care.
Swan and I are a pack in our hearts. We don’t need to say it out loud for me to know it.
The Dance Master can control our bodies but not our souls.
I tilt my head, pretending to think. “Hmm, what about if I don’t save you from the roaches in dorm tonight?”
Swan’s eyes widen. “Cruel.”
Swan is scared of bugs. I’ve been his savior from them for the last four years. He’s simply been everyone else’s savior.
“Who’s in charge?” I cross my arms, enjoying the moment.
Swan takes a step back, before dramatically dropping to his knees. “You are, my Queen.”
I can’t resist running my fingers though his soft hair. “You’re my protector.”
“Obviously.” Swan leaps to his feet, towering over me again. “And I’ll protect you from Amby, if he returns from England the same Traditional Alphahole as his mom is. Don’t think I won’t kick his ass.”
Only Swan, a Beta, would talk in such a fierce way about fighting an Alpha.
His boss.
Plus, an elite billionaire, when Swan is poor and (apart from me), lowest status within our class.
I shudder.
Ambrose’s mom, Olivia Romeo, is the Alpha owner of this dance company.
She’s also Head Alpha.
She’s a Traditional who believes that Betas are no different to servants.
Us dancers are her pretty dolls.
We’re locked within this castle like academy, until we’re needed to dazzle and entertain wealthy packs on the stage. Then we’re put back in our box afterward.
I guess that makes us no different to the glittery costumes and props.
My breathing quickens in fear at the thought that Ambrose could have become like Olivia.
Concerned, Swan grabs me by the shoulder and pulls me into a hug. He wraps his strong arms around me, cradling my head.
“Sorry, JuJu.” Swan pulls me against his neck. I nuzzle him, breathing in his scent of lemons and strawberries. “Of course Amby will be the same uptight, possessive jock that he’s always been. A man who is so hot that it should be illegal. I mourn that I wasn’t allowed to attend high school and so missed out on seeing his ass in a jockstrap after football practice.”
“That’swhat you regret the most about not being allowed to go to high school?”
Trust Swan.
Members of the academy have classes within its stone walls. I’m lucky that I didn’t enter until I was sixteen and at least had most of my childhood feeling like I was an ordinary person.
I don’t anymore.
“It’s not like I miss math. But Amby’s ass, now I betthat’sa work of art.” Swan’s gaze heats. “The jock’s probably spent the last four years practicing that dominant face he pulls, plus his rumbling growl. So, we have that to look forward to.”
My breathing steadies. I lick at Swan’s neck in thanks.