He pulls back his face and looks at me, concerned. Gage fingertips stroke my cheek before he grips my jaw, pulling to kiss me once more. “How could he think that? You’re not dangerous.” His gray eyes look hurt for me.
“I have a way of charming others.” I smile, trying to not let the vulnerability enter my voice. What is this man doing to me? He isn’t part of the plan. What am I going to do when I find 203? Can I let Gage go?
A tear escapes and he wipes it away with his thumb. “Hey, where did you go?” Gage shakes his head and grits his teeth. “Fuck Dean Campbell for making you feel like that. You’re not dangerous. Well, at least not to me. Your beast is rather fond ofme, so maybe I have an unfair advantage.” He smiles and kisses me once more.
“He states it’s because I’m rare, apparently. The only other Midnight Beast known didn’t exactly share his strengths and weaknesses with the rest of the world.” My eyes widen. Sex has loosened my lips. “Don’t tell people what I am yet, please. I am not ready.”
“I’m on your side, so it won’t come from me.” He makes a zipping motion over his lips. “Midnight Beast. That sounds very sexy.”
My beast purrs and my eyes flash at him. His hand reaches up and strokes my cheek. “See?, I knew she liked me.” He kisses me once more. “I think you might as well.”
There is a part of me that wants to tell him everything, but I hesitate. What if he isn’t feeling what I am? Everything feels like it’s happening too fast. Once more, it feels like I am slightly betraying 203 by laying in bed and feeling this contentment. For now, he and my other parts need to stay buried. Gage didn’t sign up for all of that. He needs to remain slightly at arm’s length until then. My eyes narrow in on the bite where his neck meets his shoulder. “I left a mark?”
He laughs, “Your beast leaves hickey-like bites.”
I roll my eyes and laugh it off. “She felt pretty proud of biting you.” My phone buzzes on my bedside table, and my eyes widen since nobody hardly knows my number. I grab the phone and I see Constantine’s name on the screen. “If I don’t answer, he will show up.” I smile at Gage, who frowns slightly. “Hey dad, what’s up?”
Gage’s body relaxes with my words. “Dean Campbell called to inform me you missed your classes today.” Constantine’s voice sounds annoyed and a little clipped. I am sure that they got into it once more.
I roll my eyes and huff out a breath. “Seriously? I doubt any other parents get calls about their children missing classes.”
“No doubt. Carmen called me. She wants to have your number, but also wants to come to the FS.”
My brows furrow. “Am I supposed to know what or where the FS is?”
“The ‘fuck shack’. I abbreviated it because it still pisses me off that you are in one of those. She says, and I quote, that it takes ten minutes to shower and say goodbye, and a knock will sound. Carmen is so cryptic. I love it.” He chuckles, “Well, let’s get the goodbyes out of the way. Goodbye, and Campbell can shove it.”
“Goodbye.” I chuckle as I hang up the phone and shake my head. I do not exactly want to say goodbye to Gage yet. Somehow, it hurts my heart slightly that he isn’t going to be here.
“Uh oh. What’s that look for?”
“Carmen is coming over. I’m not sure what for, but I am sure she has seen something.” I look up at him sadly. Why does it feel like I am saying goodbye to him forever? “Shower with me?”
“Not sure how I could pass up on an offer like that.” He smiles at me and kisses my mangled shoulder. “Carmen, the seer?”
I nod and throw off the blanket, standing up and walking to the small shower. I love the feel of Gage’s eyes as he watches me. As I turn the water on and step inside the water, I turn and see Gage’s gray eyes, which are hesitant. “Salem, I have a lot of questions. I understand you have secrets, but I hope you tell me what they are someday. I know that I won’t want to leave if I get in there with you….” He steps to the edge of the shower. “…so come here and kiss me goodbye.”
I step through the water, blinking the water away. I step onto my tiptoes and kiss him deeply. “Goodbye, Gage.”
He smiles at me. “It’s weird hearing that instead of fuck off, Gage. I’ll message you later.”
I finish my shower, which seems lacking. Maybe it is because Gage wasn’t taking me up on my shower offer. I feel like I am washing him off and I don’t like that thought. My emotions have been everywhere lately, and I don’t know what to make of it. I am left feeling sad and a deep longing is setting in. Rather than face it, I shake those thoughts off. I throw some clothes on as I attempt to finger comb my hair, knowing I am running out of time before Carmen arrives. The moisture clings to my curls as I attempt to make myself presentable. I hear a knock at the door and run to open it. Carmen’s smiling face appears before me. She lifts a large cloth bag and asks, “May I come in?”
Nodding my head, I motion her to come in. She sits back on the couch before she looks back and narrows her eyes on me. “Hmm, your animal is going to be an interesting one.” She turns and digs through her bag. Carmen pulls out a thermos and tea cups and sets them on the TV table. She turns to me and narrows her eyes again before tapping her pointer finger at me. “Nope.” Her eyes keep going white before going back to the caramel color they usually are.
“Um, Carmen? Is everything okay?” I question her because whatever is happening cannot be comfortable.
She sighs and frowns slightly. “Yes and no. You have a lot of paths going right now, and I don’t have my crystals to help me focus. You’re going to keep me on my toes, that’s for sure. Carmen smiles reassuringly before gesturing at the teacups. “I’m going to read your tea leaves.”
“What can you learn from tea leaves?” I inquire before sipping the bitter tea. My face sours as the unique tang hits my taste buds. I shake my head. “That’s disgusting.”
“Oh, it’s not that bad. Plus, it’s good for you.” She finishes hers, and mine is still half full. It tastes like plant pee and dirt as I hold my breath to take another sip. “I can learn a lot from the leaves. Look at mine. For example, there is a candle which means enlightenment.” She rotates her cup before pointing to another blob because that’s precisely what it looks like. “This is a mountain, which means powerful friend.” She frowns at the next one. “A saw, which means trouble coming from unfamiliar people. They can be vague, but sometimes, that helps my sight even more by narrowing it down a bit. Everyone has many paths and directions they are being pulled towards.”
I finish the disgusting tea and hand her my cup. The urge to scrub my tongue is hard to ignore. She rolls her eyes. “It’s not that bad!” Carmen laughs as she grabs my cup and looks at it. She points to the side as she tilts and motions with her head. “Unicorn, which means scandal. Mountains.” She frowns at them, looking at them sadly.
“Oh, that one is a powerful friend, right?” I ask to assure her I am paying attention.
She gives me a sad smile. A feeling of mourning comes over me suddenly, and I can’t breathe for a second. “Sorry! I forgot you are sensitive to emotions.”