“We should be able to conduct our own,” Marcus says, looking directly at Dean Campbell and waiting for him to back him.
“So it can end up exactly like these lost documents? You can take it up with my lawyer. We aren’t about to come to any agreement today. However, I would like to push Salem’s last name forward to be changed to Blackthorne.” He looks at my face. I can see his rage before turning to Marcus. “It will help with any embarrassment that she may cause your reputation.” Constantine’s eyes narrow, and his voice lowers slightly. “From her being an indiscretion, as people like to put it. Keeping any backlash that may come your way minimal. After all, we are all about helping Marcus look great on paper.”
“Um, yes, I got that paperwork. The Academy listed her as Tempest, so it is already on almost all the documents. I believe most teachers and students will have no problem adjusting. Might take a week or so.” Dean Campbell has at least the courtesy to look somewhat embarrassed.
“Great. We will take our leave because I don’t believe much needs to be discussed after this enlightening conversation.” Constantine rises, and so do I.
My hands are shifting into claws as we speak. Constantine uses his shadows to cover me as he tries to keep us moving quickly. His arm loops into mine, helping me as I hunch over. My body is quickly changing forms as the beast wants to take over. The hair on my arms looks silver and seems to glimmer. I cannot concentrate on that; this transformation is happening sooner rather than later. When we reached the doors, my body shifting caused my beautiful suit to split. Constantine is holding onto my shoulders, my heels falling off as we push through the first door. Then, I am off and running. Every part of me wants to kill them all.
I am unsure how long I ran; I don’t remember changing back. My body aches, and the sun seems to rise as I wake up in the grass. I look around and don’t see anyone at the forest’s edge. I feel so weak as I try to stand; my body wobbles as I walk forward. “There you are!” Simon practically screams at me. “We have been looking for you for almost two days.”
My teeth sharpen as I look at him, and I hear his pulse beating. I close my eyes and try not to focus on it. I stand before him, limping and naked, but none of that seems to bother me. Only how loud his blood is pumping in his veins. I can’t seem to concentrate as I attempt to walk to him. My foot catches on a tree root, causing me to fall forward. Simon shoots forward the remaining distance, his arms going around me as he catches me before I hit the ground.
Simon scoops me up, cradling me to his chest, and I feel unable to stop myself from leaning into his neck and biting down. I let out a moan as my arm grips his shoulders. “Fuck.” I hear him say as I hold on and drink from him.
Desire, I feel so much passion. I grind myself against his hardness as his arms snake around me. When I pull off his neck and seal the wound, his breath quickens. I pull my lips to hisas I wrap my arms around his neck. Simon kisses me back, his tongue reaching out to meet mine. A twig snaps in the distance, and we both pull back.
“Damnit.” He unbuttons his top button shirt before pulling it over his head and down over my head. His fingers reach down and button up my buttons. “That cannot happen again.”
I nod, not because I agree, but because I am slightly confused about my feelings. My fingers touch my lips, which are tingling from the kiss. “What day is it?” I say, feeling confused because did he say I have been gone for almost two days?
“Tuesday. School starts tomorrow. It’s move-in day.” He is walking me back towards the dorms of the Academy. “Constantine has your schedule and somehow got into your dorm early to get everything set up.”
“Are there others inside yet?” I panic at my state of undress and briefly wonder if I should go into the veil.
“It’s not uncommon for people to be in various states of undress here at the Academy. There are only a few people here. Constantine hasn’t left since you have been gone. He isn’t about to rest until he sets his eyes on you.”
I almost roll my eyes at that statement. “As you can see, I am perfectly fine.” I motion my hand over myself. Besides being dirty and wearing Simon’s black button-down, I think I am in good shape. My bare feet continue to walk beside Simon.
His eyebrow raises, and he pulls me to a stop. His gaze feels almost cold before a spark of anger overtakes it. Simon’s brows furrow, and he shakes his head at me. “Yeah. Because it’s perfectly normal for someone to shift into a creature that hasn’t existed for almost two hundred years. A creature we know little to nothing about their abilities. We haven’t even had time to research what you can do because we have been busy looking for you. Not knowing if you might have been taken again.” He almost growls. “Because that’s what Marcus wants. He wantsyou to die, or at least be silenced. I have no doubts that the people running that prison facility want you back. I’ve read some notes that the doctor wrote about you. He is going to want you back. The ministry wants you to be drugged and hidden away from anyone because they think you are a danger. The only thing keeping you out of there is this Academy and Constantine. That’s all that stands between you being taken. So, I need you to get this through your head. Shit is way more serious than what you are making it out to be. Grow up, little girl.”
Anger flares inside, along with guilt. “What part of you thinks I am used to anyone being concerned about me or what happens to me? I know firsthand what they are capable of. In case you haven’t noticed, I cannot control the beast right now! She took control, not me! I have little a memory of the last, however many hours. She felt like we were in danger and took the wheel of my mind! So yes! I am aware.” His arm reaches out, and I bat it away. I am walking towards the school, leaving him standing there. “Don’t follow me. I will find Constantine.” My eyes glance around before hissing, “Probably not a good look for us to be seen together after all.”
I am so tired of all the changes in my life. It’s not like I’m not trying because I am. Everything is out of control within myself and all around me. I don’t know what is happening, but it’s not like I am trying to rebel or whatever Simon thinks I am doing. I remember 203‘s words. Fuck anyone else but us. Well, except maybe Constantine can be in our circle too, but everyone else fuck off.
When I reach the edge of the woods, I pull my shadows. They seem happy to be back in control. When I am in my beast’s form, I can’t seem to access them. I wonder if the more I shift, the better I can control all my parts. I send them outwards to find Constantine.Find Constantine.Before I can blink, he teleportshimself in front of me. Relief comes over his face. “Don’t scare me like that.” His arms are slightly tense but then sag with relief.
I let out a small laugh, feeling a little awkward. I can’t help but fidget slightly. “My beast took over. She thought she was protecting me.” I shrug, not wanting another disagreement already.
“Where is Simon?” He asks, looking around before shaking his head. “Nevermind. That doesn’t matter. Let’s get you to your room before something else goes wrong.” He circles his hand around, motioning to my outfit. “Not sure your outfit is something that will be trending.”
I roll my eyes. “What do you know about outfits trending?”
“I happen to be very fashionable. We have had this conversation before, and I refuse to believe you don’t remember it.” He states, and we pause, seeing the dark gothic-style dorms in the distance. There are four dorms in total sitting in the distance. Ivy crawls along the stone of all the buildings, and I mentally try to hype myself up for going inside.
We walk inside, and I am surprised that it’s empty. It’s supposed to be the move-in day, and nobody is here. “Where is everyone?”
“We have about an hour before students should begin showing up here. I got you set up.” He pauses as we walk up the stairs. “Well, Monica picked everything, and I tweaked some stuff.”
We make our way up to the fourth floor, the top floor of the building. He stops at a door that says 415 and holds the door open for me. “Home sweet home,” I say as I walk into the common area with a microwave, refrigerator, small kitchen area, and couch.
Constantine points to the door on the right. “This is your room—well, the one I picked for you, at least.”
He made my bedroom from the Realm of Dreams, but it was less grand. It has a similar vibe without changing the walls andceiling. It had everything I needed: a full bathroom, a desk, and a twin bed. He also stocked my closet with more clothes than I needed. “Thank you.”
“You know you are only a veil ride away from the Realm of Dreams. You can pop in and out as you like.” I nod to him, but he continues. “Has your link to the library been keeping your energy full?”
Maybe Simon was right about Constantine’s worry. I should feel bad about my interaction with Simon, but I can’t find it inside me to care. “Yes, as far as I can tell, it’s working.”